Thursday 6 July 2017

The Implications Of Having A 504 Plan ADHD

By Amanda Hughes

In society today, it is not uncommon to come across some people who have conditions out of the normal. However, such people still need to coexist and get fair treatment from the rest of the members. More so, when at the centers of education, they should get fair receptions. The law has come up with the 504 plan ADHD which is a legal check to defend the rights and well-being of such victims.

Many parents have been having it tough with their disabled children. For instance, the case of ADHD has been the most common one in the recent past. The victims to this condition are very slow when it comes to responding to matters. They have the activity deficiency. Thus their whole social life is affected, and so is their classroom life.

Many other children end up discriminating and stigmatizing them. This creates a lot of devastation to the affected people. When the 504 plan comes in, it ensures that there is no such thing happening to the affected individuals. It advocates for their well-being and equal treatment just like the rest of the members of a school and classroom.

There have been reported cases of some institutions denying admission to the individuals with the condition. This was very unfair since the people were overtly denied a chance to study and pursue their dreams. However, since the inception of the plan, many centers have turned around and begun showing kindness to the individuals who have the problem. They are now getting admissions indiscriminately.

When one gets the terms of the plan executed in their favor, the cases of discrimination cease for the better. For instance, schools are making it unlawful for those children who mistreat and harass those who are affected in any way. This has instead promoted good reception for the fellows who are normal. They are all now showing hospitality to their classmates and friends who have the condition and working together.

The teachers and all the other stakeholders have been taught on the valuable need of improving how they teach. This is necessary since the learners cannot be appealed to in the same way. This is because some of them are quick learners while others require some good time to be invested in the process. Therefore they should be offered other alternatives such as pictorial and video learning instead of listening.

When the time for examinations come, the learners have to show what they have grasped in the period hey have been learning. However, as most of them can write down their answers comfortable, there are others who lack this ability. To them, writing can be so tough even though they have some content. Therefore the examiner should indulge such individuals in oral examinations.

Last but not least, all the parents should learn the terms of the 504 plan. This is necessary so that they ensure their children are not mistreated. They should all be given a right to education and peaceful coexistence. If the parents learn what the rights of their kids are, then they can advocate for them perfectly since they know exactly what has been violated.

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