Monday 26 June 2017

Listen To Christian Audio Sermons

By Betty Hall

Today there are many evangelists and Bible scholars on television and radio. Getting Christian audio sermons is easy. Most ministries have online stores offering past lessons, and many also give away their more popular ones in return for donations. Other organizations may post them online, where you can listen to them for free.

These are a great resource for anyone who wishes to learn more about the Bible or to deepen their faith. There are great men and women of God who lecture their congregations or audiences on a daily or weekly schedule. With recordings, these speakers can reach millions of people as well. Many believers have their favorite preachers and plan their days so they won't miss a message.

Listening to an uplifting discussion while driving to and from work can take a lot of the pain out of commuting. It also means that you can fit valuable bible teaching into your busy schedule; it's like attending a seminary while you also take care of everyday business. With a portable player, you can even listen while exercising or riding on the bus.

Messages on tape or disc are especially valuable when you don't completely understand a teaching, or when you find one so important that you want to hear it over and over. Once you feel like you've taken a lesson to heart, you can pass it on to family or friends you want to bless.

The impact of audio messages can be huge. Educators and authors like Doctor Dobson help parents raise children, husbands create stability at home, and women find fulfillment in the difficult task of running the house and allowing their husbands and children to achieve their potential. Television hosts Pat Robertson and his son, Gordon, are seen daily on their news program and send out monthly CD copies of their teachings on spiritual matters.

Pastors of a church would only be heard by their own congregations if it were not for recorded sermons. Charles Stanley, based in North Carolina, is a household name. Texas pastor Robert Jeffries, Californian Chip Ingram, and many others are heard by millions on radio and television. People follow bible teachers whose books they might never read.

In fact, it's almost impossible for some people to remember when they weren't spending part of every day listening to in-depth teaching on the scriptures and on leading a godly life. Sometimes it will come in the form of a testimony about events that believers can relate to, like the radio program 'Unshackled'. Listeners may get a Greek or Hebrew lesson when an ancient text is explored. Obscure passages may be explained in ways that open up the Word for believers.

Living righteously is easier when a person receives instruction and encouragement on a regular basis, not just on Sundays at church. Recorded audio resources are the most convenient and personalized way to deepen knowledge and faith. Most popular ministries offer single sermons or a series of lectures in their online stores or as a gift to those who make donations.

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