Saturday 17 June 2017

Learning About Non Surgical Treatment Of Gum Disease NV

By Scott Foster

It has been estimated by the American Dental Association that as many as three-quarters of Americans have some form of gum disease. This condition can develop very easily and has the potential to have dire consequences if it is not dealt with promptly. It can be treated with a variety of surgical procedures; however, this is often a very costly route to take. If you are looking for non surgical treatment of gum disease NV, consider the below information.

Many people decide to avoid dental surgery because it can be very expensive. In addition, it may require you to schedule time off from work, especially if the procedure is going to be very extensive. One typical treatment that does not require surgery is having a simple dental cleaning. During a routine checkup your dentist or hygienist will use special tools to remove any plaque and tartar from your teeth and gums. Plaque is a substance that can build up around your teeth. Once it hardens on the surface of the tooth, it can be difficult to remove; therefore, a professional cleaning is needed to remove it from your gum line and teeth before it causes problems.

However, some patients may develop a more severe case of periodontitis where a simple cleaning will not be enough. When this occurs, the first step of treatment usually involves a special deep cleaning procedure called scaling and root planing.

If the disease is already present, and you prefer not to treat it with surgery, you can try scaling and root planing. This is a procedure similar to a deep-cleaning which is done while you are under a local anesthetic. In the procedure, plaque and tartar are removed and scraped away from the gum line. In addition, any rough spots on the teeth are smoothed out.

Smoothing out rough spots helps to remove bacteria and creates a clean surface so that your gums can reattach to your teeth. Scaling and root planing are most often done if your dentist discovers that you have plaque and tartar under your gums that must be removed.

Antibiotic treatments may also be used to eliminate bacteria in your gums and prevent the bone that supports your teeth from being destroyed. If your dentist prescribes antibiotics, make sure that you take them properly and finish the full course of treatment.

After you have completed your periodontal care, your dentist may suggest that you have more frequent checkups. These regular visits and deep cleanings are very important for maintaining gum health and keeping the disease under control.

In conclusion, the best way to avoid these problems in the first place is to schedule regular appointments with your dentist and ensure that your teeth are cleaned at least twice a year. This will help to remove any bacteria or plaque before it takes root in your gums and causes problems.

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