Tuesday 13 June 2017

Get The Most Benefit From A Reading From Psychic Mediums

By Edward Baker

The ability to communicate with persons who have passed away is a gift bestowed upon a few unique individuals. Through several different avenues, these people are able to connect with the energies of the spirit realm and receive messages that are intended for the living. Psychic mediums serve as a conduit between those who have died and the ones they left behind.

Every medium conducts their readings in a way that is unique to themselves and no two sessions are ever identical. In this same manner, the spirits do not make contact with each intuitive in the same way. There are multiple basic possibilities and while some of these gifted individuals are only able to communicate in one way, there are some who are capable of making the connection through several different platforms.

Anyone attending a reading should be very aware that the activity of the session is not controlled by the medium. They can open themselves up receptively, but who comes through, how long they stay, and what information they are willing to share is completely reliant on the spirits alone. When a spirit does choose to make contact, they will find a manner through which they can make the clearest connection to the intuitive.

Sight is one of the many ways in which communication may be established, though some spirits may choose not to be seen. To some, this means that they "see" the individual in their own mind's eye, using motion and gestures to convey ideas. Then there are those who are capable of actually seeing ghostly, ethereal, yet physical manifestations.

Auditory input is another common form of communication with the spirit world. A medium may hear the messages in their minds, like they would a thought, or normally, as if someone were actually speaking to them aloud. The problem with this is that the words may sound glitchy, like a poor radio signal, or a spirit just may not be able to convey their thoughts clearly or effectively.

Telepathy is another form of spirit communication. In this method, they can take pictures from the individual's mind, or flashes of faces, events, or items, to try and create a message the medium can interpret. The downside is that this is frequently difficult and confusing as the symbolism is not always clear, as in a female on the beach could indicate a need to communicate to someone named Sandy.

Some intuitives are empathetic and experience both physical and emotional sensations caused by the spirit trying to convey what they have, or are feeling. An example of this is making the lungs of the medium feel tight to indicate a breathing issue, or headaches to symbolize brain trauma. This type of communication is often combined with another to provide further clarification to the message.

There are other means of spirit connection, such as trances and automatic writing, through which a medium may receive the communications from the beyond. No two gifted individuals will ever have exactly the same experiences and each will deal with their abilities in their own unique way. They will do their best to convey any messages received, though those interested in readings need to understand that it is not always clear or easy to do.

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