Saturday 11 February 2017

How To Write Veteran Stories Texas

By Sharon Stewart

During World War II most of the fighters lost their lives struggling for our independence. The lucky ones who survived amid injuries of high magnitude came back to their homeland and are celebrated as veterans. In most of the countries, they are feted nationally and the particular day is observed as a holiday. Our children hardly understand what it took to gain independence and good veteran stories Texas should be written to close this gap. Additionally, writing stories and making movies with facts will connect them with the past. This will give them an idea of what it took for a country to gain its freedom.

Different tales have been told about the efforts and challenges involved in freedom fighting ages ago. However, a good story writer will have to interview the few surviving heroes to get a few facts that will determine the content in your book. Visit different veterans that you have heard of in various states in your country and compile the available facts so that you can include them in your story. As much as the story might involve a lot of fiction, it should be based on the facts.

Most countries fought for their sovereignty ages ago, and there are only a few army survivors who are still alive. Therefore, when trying to interview these outstanding individuals, avoid doing over the telephone. Visit them in their homes and record every emotion expressed when talking about an ordeal they went through.

Most of the people who come out of the war alive keep some items for remembrance, and this should not be skipped. Request them to show a piece of a badge or any item that they kept after the war. These items have some artistic interest that may be of interest to your audience. You may be surprised by the value of the objects presented to you.

Ask the heroes about the military branches they worked with and where they were situated. The challenges involved are determined by the location of the branch, and this will result in a different experience by the veterans. When you combine experiences of the different persons that you have interviewed, you will write a unique book.

When in action, there are moments victory and defeat. The soldiers should highlight how they conquered their enemies in details. How the survived, this battles in the death traps and the planes should be the primary focus of your interview because this is what made them become heroes.

You should not forget to ask how they sent and received messages from their commanding officers in the main barracks. During those days technology was not advanced, and everything was analog. The success of their distance communication should be highlighted in the book.

Discussion with different veterans will give you a broad understanding of what transpired during the war. This will give you ideas on how to describe the events and how you shall create more characters in your fiction writing. Mention the efforts of the veterans in making the writing of your book a success.

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