Saturday 26 November 2016

Popular Figures On Christian Sermon DVDs

By Brenda Sullivan

Listening to the word of God is one of the ways by which Christians can grow spiritually. As a result, many church organizations have taken up the mandate to reproduce God's word in several forms such as Christian sermon DVDs, Bibles, music tapes, tracts and many more. Listening to popular preachers on DVDs is beneficial especially when important personalities in the Bible are included. Some of the personalities that can turn the lives of people when studied well include Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Joseph, Moses, Samson and Jesus Christ.

Most preachers refer to Abraham as the father of faith. They are of the opinion that Abraham still trusted in God when it was very impossible to do so. Although God promised him that he would be the father of many nations, Abraham was still yet to see the possibility of the promise seeing that he had no child. This is the kind of situation most Christians in the world face today so listening to messages about Abraham can strengthen their faith.

While Abraham can be considered as an example of faith, Isaac may be a better option to look at when talking about obedience. This is because of his readiness to follow his father up to Mount Moriah for a sacrifice in the absence of an animal. Isaac's obedience even to the point of being laid at the altar is significant in Christianity.

Jacob, who was later named Israel, is a subject of most Bible scholars. The activities of Jacob, his personalities and qualities all add to what Christians love to study about in their gatherings. Jacob's resistance to be subdued by the angel who visited him at the place he later called Bethel is a perfect example for Christians to never relent in prayers.

Joseph was one of the sons of Jacob. He appears in most DVD sermons as someone that was chaste and fled from fornication. It is good to pick up DVDs about Joseph to learn more about his drives and what particularly made him say no to the request made by Potiphar's wife. His journey from slavery to governorship is worth studying.

Picking up DVDs that center on Moses will probably make you understand why he was considered the greatest prophet that has ever emerged. Moses was the first man to see the back of God and the one who led the children of Israel out of bondage in Egypt following the death of Joseph and the emergence of a Pharaoh who did not know his story. More about his personality and why he was not allowed to enter the Promised Land can be heard on sermons.

Samson was a judge for the Israelites. He is a subject of interest because of his unequaled strength. The positive and negative effects of Samson's strength and how he could have used it more effectively to the service of the people and God is a necessary topic for Christians to consider.

Most DVD messages are centered on the teachings and personality of Jesus Christ. It is good to buy such items because they reveal the way to the Father in very clear terms. The essence of salvation and the way to go to Heaven are necessary teachings one should get while there is still enough time.

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