Friday 26 August 2016

Helpful Tips For Your Save The Date Cards

By Joyce Richardson

You can notify your guests about your upcoming wedding even when the event is still many months away. You can do this by using save the date cards. Even though this is optional, it is important for many reasons. It can help individuals who are planning to travel long distance to prepare well in advance, for instance, by organizing childcare, pet sitting or house sitting. Plus it helps your friends and family to know that you are engaged and to free themselves from any engagement they might have during busy seasons. Here are some helpful things to keep in mind when making and sending out the invitations.

Send the invitations many months before the wedding day. As soon as you have settled on the venue for the event and you have chosen the date, mail out the invitations. This is especially important if you are planning on having a destination wedding.

You do not have to mail out the cards to everyone, just mail them to a select number of individuals. These are people that you do not want to miss the wedding. Also, send them out to people who you want to be on your bridal line up. It is also important to let your friends who stay far away know early, so that they can plan to travel to the event.

Include basic but relevant information on the invites. This includes where the wedding will be, the day and who the bride and groom are. Make sure to address the person you are inviting properly and by name. Let the invited person know that you will send them more details through the wedding invitations that you will send them later.

The best way to send out the invites is through paper correspondence. Mail out the invites through postal mail or hand deliver them or use a courier service. While electronic invitations may work too, it would be a good idea to also back them up with paper invitations. This is because not everyone may be a fun of electronic invitations, such as your older guests.

It is advisable to include a link to your wedding website, if you have one. This way, people can find out more information about the planning as the wedding day draws nearer. Include your registry information on your wedding website but not on the card.

You can choose to include photos on the cards or not to include photos. It depends on your preferences. When choosing which photos to include in the invitations, consider using engagement photos that you took. Alternatively, you can just use any couple photo of you two in the invitations.

If you make a mistake on the invitations, find a creative way to correct it rather than having to reprint everything. For instance, if you forgot to include the location, buy a rubber stamp and stamp the location onto the invites. But if the invitations have already been mailed out, the best thing to do would be to call everyone you sent an invite to and provide them with the correct information.

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