Sunday 8 May 2016

Culture Influence On Arab Dating

By Rebecca Bell

After puberty people start developing some different attraction towards an opposite gender. This makes one to get attached and start liking another person. This makes people to get committed into relationships. However being that no oath is taken many people do not take it seriously . Influence of culture on Arab dating is great. Their tradition does not allow this kind of relationship before marriage.

Religion is a big part of their character and traditions. Being Muslims they follow religious teaching seriously. This makes sure that any interaction between female and male is of reserved nature. This helps in making them stay away from adultery and other actions that are against their beliefs.

One can get a partner in two ways . One is by suggestion from parents. This does not mean they have to marry a suggested spouse . If they do not like the partner chosen for them they reject such suggestions . Another way is by meeting someone you like and you ask for their hand in NIKHA which is marriage . After this agreement they both inform parents about their decision . This is done so as to ask for blessings.

When their parents agrees their relationship is blessed and a wedding ceremony is planned. In some cases parents refute on such agreements. To do his parents must be having doubts about morals of the chosen spouse. In such a case parents do not bless their relationship. This means that no wedding will take place . According to them when a marriage is not blessed due to various reasons that are authentic it does not stay for long.

First marriage advice is given to them before finagling a weeding. This is to prepare them for their next step in life. Wedding is done inside a mosque but different rooms. Ladies and males are usually in different room they only meet during the final day. Islamic teachings are followed in this process. This is because it is a holy function. Music is not allowed in such ceremony as it is against Islamic teachings.

Islam encourages simplicity and humbleness. These are why such ceremonies are made small and facilitated in a cheap way. Other rules of Islam apply in this occasions . Music is not used and people must dressing n Islamic way. All that is done because marriage is a holly institution and weddings are service of worship.

This ceremony is usually cherished and respected by many people. That is why people in Arabian region follow their culture strictly. Girls who engaged in sexual interaction before marriage mostly luck people to marry them. If they do they are married as third or fourth wife . This makes them to abstain from relationships before marriage.

Mainly people who engage in sex before marriage get punished. This also happens to rapist and partners who cheat. They are stoned to death if four people confess against them as witnesses. Such punishment acts as an example to other people. That is why people respect relationships and treasure their partners. Many people also respect each others partner.

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