Tuesday 8 March 2016

The Journey Of Your Life

By Evan Sanders

"We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us." - Joseph Campbell

Everyone has a story.

We all start somewhere. We all have somewhere we would really like to go. However there's a huge difference between those who are in the world making moves and taking names and those who are stuck in the same story over and over again: action.

I think Joseph Campbell in the quote above truly nailed it and would certainly agree with that.

All of us have something incredible that is begging to come out and be shown to the world. All of us have something special inside of us.

For some that may be diving into a challenge they have been avoiding their entire lives. For others that may be moving away to a new country.

But we all have a journey and a calling.

I'm going to tell you this right now so you know what to expect: the journey you have in front of you, if you decide to take it, is going to be absolutely life changing. There will be victories and there will be defeats. But guess what? You're not going to be doing it on your own.

You will have a community of people traveling with you who not only believe in you, but who can skillfully help you navigate the land of the unknown through their support as well.

Every day of this life you are going to be tested. You can take two routes however. You can hide from life and avoid everything like the plague. Or you can head straight into what's going to challenge you. If you do, you will come out with scars, but you will also come out with grand stories to tell.

You will grow in ways you never imagined.

It's time you take on a journey you won't want to end.

It's about time you step into everything that scares you and wants to bring you down. It's time to make some serious changes to your life every single day.

So dive into the journey of your life.

About the Author:

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