Monday 1 February 2016

The Reason Behind The R Word Pledge

By Thomas Cook

The R word is a phrase that stands for the word retard, or other words that may originate from it, say retards or retarded. The word has been widely discredited and campaigned against, for demeaning reasons. This led to a campaign known as Spread the word to end the word advocacy, which was a national event, whose aim was to depolarize and seize the using of the hostile words, to citizens of the United States. Henceforth, the R word pledge has won massive awareness and influence, in the States.

The advocates of the pledge have insisted that people should use language that is respectful to the dignity and integrity of individuals having mental disorders and disabilities, saying that they are not responsible for their mental woes, and is an act of God, and no man has control over it or can take responsibility for the situation, whatsoever.

The campaign program began its journey in 31st March 2009, when the Summit on Special Olympic World Youth Activation was being held. Its key agenda is to reduce if not totally shun the using of the term retards, in all conversations, whether they are official or generally casual. The activists of the move strongly hold that people bearing cognitive intellect inefficiencies are nonetheless equal rights with intellectually straight fellows, and have constitutional freedom to enjoy themselves, as well as mentor themselves and get equally exposed to other citizens.

Therefore causal references, they claim, to words like retard or even retarded, are esteem killers, and make the person with the intellectual deficiencies feel like they are more or less, human. This is seen to interfere with their psychology, which may in the end result in them not respecting themselves, and they view themselves as failures.

The enthusiastic youths behind the campaigns generally named their agenda as simply the R word, to represent other many terms that are uncalled for, unacceptable, racial, and impediments to social ethics, for example nigger.

The initiation of the program was amplified by people of all intellectual backgrounds, who had common interests and passion to drive the promotion of ethical language, and physical sentiments that do not hurt any party, emotionally or directly. By so doing, they hoped that the world would be ultimately a better place to live, and everybody would be comfortable.

National celebrations are held every 31st March of each year. The campaign is increasingly gaining popularity to huge flocks of people. For the record, White House Chief Staff was forced by the youth, to make an apology for his regrettable utterance of the term retards.

Ever since, the campaign has been through reaps and bounds, and though it has been met with its fair share of mishaps, it has remained relevant to many a people, who regard it in positive and progressive view.

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