Thursday 2 July 2015

Why So Many Want To How To Find Inner Peace With God

By Jordan Schmidt

On many fronts, the world is in constant turmoil. There is conflict everywhere. Technology changes so fast that very few can keep up. Most people are under tremendous pressure to perform better, to do more and to acquire more. It is no wonder that so many people are starting to question the meaning of their lives. They see counsellors and psychologists. Many others think that the answer is to find out how to find inner peace with God.

There has been a remarkable increase in people that are earnest in their desire to live more spiritual lives. A large number of them turn to religion, but many others explore disciplines such as yoga to discover meaning and balance in life. Life coaches have experienced a tremendous growth in business and the top practitioners in this field are fully occupied and they charge hefty fees for their services.

Organized religions are also experiencing a sudden increase in membership. Many people that grew up in religious homes are now returning to church, but they are not the only ones. There is also a marked increase in new members that did not grow up in religious homes. It seems that people need reassurance that there is order in the world and there is a deity that is in overall control.

One of the reasons why people are flocking back to the church is that they have become fearful. In their search for meaning in life they discover, among other things, that life is exceedingly short. They want to believe the message that there is such a thing as life everlasting and they want to make sure that they will indeed inherit eternal life. This is, indeed, one of the central promises of almost all religions.

For many people the church constitutes a safe have where true and honest values are maintained. They have come to view life as artificial, with artificial values and norms. In church they feel part of a loving community where they are accepted and loved not for what they own, but rather for the person that they have become. This is a safe and non judgemental community.

Religion therefore offers people contentment and even self fulfilment. Church members feel fulfilled because they stop focusing on their own unhappiness and wants but rather focus serving their deity. They reach out to others less fortunate than themselves and such acts provide them with a sense of happiness and usefulness. Many find a new meaning in life and they thrive in the company of others that believe as they do.

There is an abundance of critics against organized religion. These people say that there is no such thing as a God. They say that believers are naive people that delude themselves. Some even go as far as to say that science has proven that there is no supreme being that created and still control the universe. They say that religious leaders simply play upon the fears of people for the simple purpose of self glorification and material gain.

There can be no doubt that numerous people are looking for meaning in their lives. Many find that meaning in religion and from serving a loving, powerful deity. Religious orders are certainly growing and in some cases they have become powerful voices in government and in their local communities.

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