Sunday 12 July 2015

Things To Consider To Stop Disability Hate Speech

By Jana Serrano

Communication is part of our daily lives. However, there are some point in which the remarks that we made makes other to feel hurt. There is no limitation in talking but it should be appropriate to hear. Expressing in a tone of being disrespectful and abusive is not something that someone should be proud of.

But, because there we have a free speech we cannot help but to talked some bad things. On how to stop disability hate speech is one of the main concern of some people to have a more peaceful living. Words that too bias to them is sure to be not cool or good in any other way. It is because of those bad words that they might do something which could cause them harm.

Standing for what is just is the first step in making the right action. You can seek for some help from organizations or association that shares the same purpose with you. By that you can be able to find a friend that will help and guide you. But if there are no existing groups then the best thing to do is stood strong to your rights.

There should be a proper due process in every actions that abusers are taken. Like for example you can advise for some principle and procedure that will be effective to your purpose. If there are available regulations then you can provide some assistance to them. But be certain that you will commit the just solutions to the abusers.

Also one of the most effective way is to start an awareness campaign. This campaign can be scattered in home, schools and offices. It is for other people to raise awareness against some individuals impairment. Aside from that teach them the value of respect so that they will not going to mock others somehow.

The most essential thing to do is to help someone who have the same experience and status. It is by helping them they can gained more self esteem. But even with being able to be at their side makes them feel positive. Aside from that they can make each other happy and also they can back up each other.

The internet is also a place where some abusers express their hate speech. If there are some violators then call for a help. By reporting this kind of people to the authority they can provide you with assistance. In addition, there are now web pages that restricts the usage of vulgar and abusive words in making comments.

Furthermore, before making misconceptions imagine yourself that you are in the same boat with them. Think of how it would deeply hurt you if you are going to mock and teased in an insolent manner. Respect should always be ponder before doing unnecessary actions. With that you can make peace even in a slight way.

Have the discipline to hold back yourself if you think you might do wrong. Being able to hold back yourself is one of the first step to prevent hate speech. In addition, it can make a sense of equality and a peaceful life for all somehow.

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