Saturday 25 July 2015

The Advantage Of Joining The Christ Faith Evangelical Church

By Phyllis Schroeder

If you conduct a short survey and question the people round you if they know who they are, you will be shocked by what you find out. People are going through a crisis because they have refused to accept Jesus Christ as their personal savior. It is true that life without God is tough. You need God to give you strength and guide you each day. Therefore, you should be interested in knowing more about the Christ faith evangelical church.

In this era, you cannot be quick to trust Homa-Bay Kenya pastors. It is unfortunate that some leaders have opened churches just to collect tithes and offerings. You have to seek God and ask him to show you the right way to go. The Lord is faithful and he will for sure lead you to the right place of worship. You can be assured that you will like and connect with the spiritual leader at that church.

The first aspect should be the location of the Christian community. You should choose a place of worship that is close to your residence. This is so that you are able to attend all services without being late.

When you recognize your past sinful life and repent, your sins are forgiven and you begin a totally new life. Your life should include the following practices. The gospel can never leave you the same way that it found you. It will cause you to change your habits and be a person that the society looks up to. The people who knew you when you were in sin will be surprised when they find that your life has turned around.

There are similar traditions observed by Christians all over the world. Christians are expected to go to church on Sundays and worship Jehovah. While at church, they sing worship hymns, praise Jehovah and offer their first fruits unto the Lord.

Invest much of your money in things that will benefit the kingdom of God. Contribute towards helping the needy in society. You should as well identify ways in which you can nourish your soul. This means that you need to buy books that elaborate on Christianity matters. There are many areas that writers focus on because they want you to find a solution to your problems. You need information on marriages, relationships, finances, career and spiritual maturity.

Nowadays technology has enabled Christians to watch sermons on televisions and other online platforms. Therefore, when you are busy and cannot find time to drive to church, you can receive turn to your television and be blessed. As for your offerings, you can send through mobile phones and bank payment modes.

The salvation journey can be tough especially when the Lord is taking you through a hard time so that He strengthens your faith in Him. You must not look back to your past life when things get tough. Instead, you should remain in prayer and glorify the heavenly Father for the far He has brought you and trust Him to see you through all difficulties. The true God will surely be pleased with your faith in Him. Then, He will start to reward you abundantly.

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