Saturday 20 June 2015

What To Know About Navicular Disease

By Freida Michael

This is a disease which mostly affects horses. It can get cured with proper treatment to a normal state. It is just like any another ailment that can get an animal. It needs to be treated at its early stages for the animal to go back to being healthy. The things to know about navicular disease include.

Analyses have to be done on animals suspected to have this ailment. This is not a disease which is just confirmed through observation. Tests need to be performed on the animal and evaluated for the animal health officer to confirm this. The upfront legs are lame. This is one of the general observations made.

The stallions are very active when healthy. The ailment makes them to struggle a lot when running. They tend to land more with the toe than the heel which should not be the case. It gives them an uneven look which can only be recognized during the checkups. When the horse is turned to the position of the bad leg the lameness increases.

The hoof test works very well in the analysis of the ailment. The expert does this by exerting a lot of weight on the affected leg which always makes the animal to react by agony. The weight is always a burden to the horse and that is why it gives this reaction. This analysis works and proves the problem right. The normal toes of a horse are usually short in size.

Limping is a major sign to the animals with this problem. It is the only way they walk which seems comfortable to them. At first the sickness is noticed on one leg. It takes a lot of professional examinations for it to be identified on both legs. Mostly the sickness is always on two legs especially when the owner takes much time in noticing a difficulty with the horse functioning.

Correcting the shoe is one of the rectification methods. Balancing of the hoof should be done on both sides. A pad has to be present. A lot of skills are required for this. Only the experts need to work with this condition.

Balancing of the foot is very important. Stallions are required to land by heel followed by the toe. Difficulties tend to develop when there is any kind of misbalancing on the hoof. The difficulties make them to put a lot of strain on the legs making the infection worse than before. Exercise has known to rectify the condition with the use of other medications like drugs.

Navicular sickness needs to be identified and treated at the right time; this is to prevent the creatures from suffering so much. The sickness has to be treated by experts. If not it only makes the conditions worse. For improvements to be observed this needs to be rectified without any delays.

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