Wednesday 24 June 2015

According To Hemlock Society Euthanasia Is A Peaceful Way To End Human Life

By Ruthie Calderon

In 1980 an organization promoting the right-to-die for people with a terminal illness was founded. Currently called Compassion And Choices, it does not believe people should suffer. Rather, it promotes the goals of the hemlock society euthanasia being a peaceful death.

We as a society do not allow our beloved pets to suffer a prolonged illness if there is no hope for recovery. When a dog or cat is in pain due to old age or disease, they are assisted in having a peaceful ending to their lives. For some time many see physician-assisted suicide as a gentle way for humans to pass on.

While hospice care may be excellent, it does not completely obliterate all the pain. Many physicians have an unspoken and unacknowledged agreement with the family to increase the pain medication to a level that will induce a peaceful ending to the pain. In this way a pointless period of a few days suffering will be allayed.

In the state of Oregon, Dying with Dignity is a legally acceptable way to a peaceful death. Religious or other beliefs may see some patients who want to stay alive as long as possible. None of them are convinced to change their minds and hasten their death. By the same token, the patient wanting to end his suffering can have a gentle, non-violent ending.

If a peaceful death is not available for some terminal patients, they may end their own lives in traumatic ways. This would only add to the sadness experienced by the loved ones left behind. How horrible for them to leap from tall buildings or resort to shooting themselves. The peaceful ending should be available to all who need to escape their pain.

Just having the medication to end life is comfort enough. It allows the patient to feel in control of his life and his choices to continue it or end it. Often that option is not used, but simply provides the security of knowing it is available.

When a lethal injection is the ending provided, it is not long-lasting. The chronic pain that can no longer be alleviated, is put to an end. Some patients who are still able to do so will swallow medication. Other will have it administered intravenously In a rapid succession, three different drugs are introduced through an IV. Death may be instantaneous.

Those who are being kept alive by means of a breathing tube, a feeding tube or any other artificial means are in no condition to assert their wishes. The legal document known as the living will assigns the right to make life and death decisions for the patient. Usually it will be assigned to a trusted relative.

This legal document provides peace of mind to many, especially senior citizens. If they state no lifesaving measures should be taken, they will not be put on a respirator in the first place. They will never be kept alive in a vegetative state. The wishes that are stated in the living will determine what procedures can and cannot be used.

Palliative care only, is the choice of many people. The living will makes sure that is all that can legally be provided. Even the person named in the living will as administrator cannot override the wishes stated in the document.

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