Wednesday 20 May 2015

A Life Of Many Opportunities & Vibrations

By Evan Sanders

"The law of attraction is all about vibration. Everything is vibrational, your thoughts, your concepts, each being. You will draw to you whatever vibration matches yours, wanted or unwanted. " - Unknown

Where do I even begin?

Everything around you is moving, changing, and shifting. It may not seem like it sometimes, it really is. When it boils down to it, we are wandering around in a living, breathing world. When we stop viewing the world as something static and start seeing just how dynamic everything is, things start to change. Actually they change seriously.

As much as we may attempt to run from this fact, we act like magnets lots of the time.

We tune into situations wavelengths, pick up on other individual's energies, get drained or revived by those around us and get weird chills up our backs when something really doesn't sit with us right. Energy. Vibrations. Frequencies. These things are all real. Even more than that , they are so amazingly powerful.

There are a lot of things we won't see. Does that imply they don't exist? Absolutely not. I believe history has proved time and time again that just because we can't possibly see it or meticulously compute it, it does not necessarily imply that it can't exist. The fact that we bent metal, put wings on it, stuck folk in an all-not-so-spacious cabin and sent it into the sky...well, that's as extraordinary feat. Send that innovation back a couple of thousand years and you would break minds. They wouldn't be able to see it then, but we definitely see it now. When you start messing around with this thought in life though, that is when things begin to get pretty interesting. Occasionally scenarios or events appear a bit beyond coincidence. Isn't it possible it is beyond straightforward coincidence? Could you be avoiding a completely different vibe that created a totally different set of results than you're used to? I'd take a guess the answer would be yes mostly.

Because if there may be anything I understand about how life works, it is surely the fact that if you change your way of seeing things you will change your actions and you absolutely will receive differing results.

What if you view the world in a very different way - as a place full of energy that may be plugged into rather than a place where we just exist? What if you really started to focus your energies on bringing good people and love into your life and then did the things that corresponded with those vibrations? Why wouldn't Could your entire world change?

I'm not making an attempt to make a sales pitch here, all I am really doing is providing you a viewpoint to consider.

There are limitless possibilities in this life, we simply need to be open to them. Once we stop projecting our own shallow-minded concepts onto the future and give ourselves the chance to just be blown away by what life itself can offer, we start entering into a much more satisfying way of traveling through life. If we can stop rowing to that island of "where it all turns out" and just hangout in the boat for some time, even though we're not rowing anywhere at all, we'd all be a lot more happy and exponentially more present to what is occurring around us.

It's interesting for me to look at folk come to the realization that most of what they have always searched for is already inside them. Often times, the "self" is the last place we look to find out who we really are as we know there's dirty work to be done. We have to dive into the difficult times, spend a little time healing, spend a little time working with our unpleasant thoughts and emotions...but in doing so we actually open ourselves up to encouraging depth and faith. It's much easier to tack on habits and new skills learned from books than it is to do the hard work. We will be able to digest book after book giving us tricks and tips, simply putting more oars in the water on our trip to the island where it all turns out, and yet never get there - because that island does not exist.

It is in you. You are it.

Those vibrations you feel about wanting to become something or some type of person in most cases, exist in you because they are you. Now I am not discounting the fact that lots of work should be done to develop and deepen yourself. But what I am saying is that those energies that you're feeling already, they're here now and may not necessarily be there in the future you are so despairingly attempting to get to. No, you have got to realize that you can be those things you feel inside at this time. That's the reason why they're calling you to start with. If you make a decision to take on those vibrations and start to live in the present...worlds change and mountains can move.

When you experience it for yourself, it's beautiful. But when you help another find this that is incredible.

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