Saturday 25 April 2015

Benefits Of Reading Christian Books On Spiritual Warfare

By Stella Gay

As Christians, it is important to know that we are not fighting a war against flesh and blood but we are waging war against spiritual forces of this world. In this article, we want to look a the importance of reading Christian books on spiritual warfare to understand how to face life. After the resurrection of Christ Jesus, man was given power over death. The Bible clearly points out we should not fear those that destroy the body but cannot kill the soul.

In the conflict between the principalities of the world, we need to understand that defending our faith at all time is the vital if we want to enjoy eternity. We also need to know that spiritual battle needs us to be strong. But we should live in the world with hope because Christ conquered the enemy and gave us dominion over him.

Because we have denounced the ways of darkness we have become heirs of the kingdom of God. We must, therefore, act as strong people who do not fear tribulations due life challenges.

The Bible tells us to be strong and show might in all situations because we are not having a spirit of timidity but that of power and love. Being strong means that we can be weak due to many limitations, but our energy will be renewed each and every day by the wonderful grace of our savior.

The best way to be consistent in waging war against sin is through prayer. We should embark on regular prayer and fasting, to put our fleshy desires to control. If you look at the apostles that went ahead of us, you will realize that they kept the faith in praying together at all times. The disciples knew that it was not because of their strength and power that they were able to conquer many situations. But it was due to the power and manifestation of the Holy Spirit.

It is also noteworthy to understand that you need to take personal responsibility for every decision that comes your way. Christ has equipped his soldiers with every necessary tool to win a war. The Bible says the blessings of the Lord have been made abundant at all times. It goes ahead to assure that with Christ Jesus Christians can do all things.

Spiritual warfare at times comes to our life in different forms. It is, for this reason, every person should understand the ways the devil attacks the people of God. Some of the attacks come as tribulations in the family, problems at the work place and in some instances it comes as a direct attack on the body as sickness. Remember to be consistent the more you know God, the more you appreciate his will in your life.

People who keep together with other believers, as they pray and read the Bible have done exploits because they get equipped with a new dose of the Holy Spirit every day. Paul, one of the greatest apostles of all time, states that believers should put on Gods armor. Like the military battle when your do not have protective gear, you can easily succumb to the attacks of the enemy.

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