Monday 19 January 2015

The Importance Of Healing Retreats For Women

By Enid Hinton

Over the years, women have been seen to take these retreats seriously and as a result their lives have been changed for the better. The importance of these healing retreats for women are very many and they cannot all be said in one breath. They are one of the most appreciated life events by women from all over the world and of varying ages. They lead to the growth of an individual in all aspects of their life hence something worth looking forward to.

This process comprises of a mixture of processes which are interactive in nature and involve a lot of silent time. This is the period which provides one with an opportunity to discover their true self, reflect on their life and get a clear vision on their lives while meditating or taking part in personal prayer. This brings about awareness of oneself, realization and embracement of both the good and bad qualities.

They are held in quiet and peaceful places which are surrounded by the beauty of nature. These are majorly open spaces with free flowing air which is a conducive surrounding to have inner growth, without any distractions and disturbances. Individuals are hence able to contemplate n peace. Such destinations include parks, beaches, and forests among others.

During the process of soul searching, one is able to come into terms with how they perceived themselves, what amount of value they place upon their lives and who their inner person really is. Relations are also looked into and evaluations are made on how ones character affects others who surround them. Following this, steps towards personal development and change are taken.

As the topic points out, this is a ladies only trip and the reason behind this is that the only other individual who can completely understand a woman is a fellow woman. During this time, they come together as one and take turns to share their personal lives, the struggles they face among other issue. They are dully advised and encouraged hence given new strength and a sense of belonging.

Appreciation to life is a new attribute taught to this group of people. They are told to develop love for each and everything that happens to them and that they should not be easily broken down by life challenges. They acquire new endurance for the difficulties they face teaching them on the importance of being strong emotionally.

There is a small amount of f which they are required to part with. This is used to cater for the various expenses incurred and pay the instructors who do a pretty good job in making sure that the whole process is a success. All the same, women who have benefited from it say that it was a worthwhile time and they cannot place any amount of money to the change they got.

In conclusion, those who have attended these forums agree to the fact that they have had their and whole outlook on life changed and are better able to handle each and every situation which presents itself. They also benefit from getting most of lifes questions which had been hard to get answers to. Good sisterhood is progressively natured during the bonding.

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