Saturday 24 January 2015

Navicular Disease As Fatal In Horses

By Janine Hughes

It is also known as the navicular syndrome and it is an illness that mainly affects horses. It is the inflammation of the navicular bone on the front feet of a horse and its surrounding tissues. In extreme cases it can lead to disability or lameness of the animal. It is therefore very necessary to treat navicular disease as soon as the symptoms start showing.

The two factors that largely contribute to the development of this disease is tension and compression of the bone and its surrounding structures. Compression causes the cartilage to perform functions poorly. It causes degradation that leads to the exposure of the bone beneath it. The exposed bone becomes more prone to other external forces. This whole process causes a lot of pain to the animal.

It is also believed that the tension placed on ligaments supporting the navicular bone contribute to the syndrome. Tension causes inflammation and a lot of strain that decreases the blood flow to the bone. There is also pressure that builds up inside the bone. All these things causes absorption of some minerals from the center of the bone. Excess tension also gives the bone a canoe shape or make the ligaments tear.

Since the horse is subjected to a lot of pain, it is easy to notice the symptoms. The horse would try to walk on its toes due to the pain it is experiencing at the heel. The horse will stumble most of the times. The affected foot will appear to be sore and after several months it may change shape. It will appear more upright and narrowed.

This disease has not yet found its treatment since is not caused by a specific agent. This illness is a result of several processes occurring. The changes are permanent so there is negligible efforts which can be made. One may try to contain the condition by concentrating on how to reduce pain and discomfort at the hooves.

One can improve the foot form through trimming the hoof regularly. Underrun heels and long toes are a common characteristics of most of the horses that are affected by the navicular condition. Trimming helps the hoof attain biomechanical balance. This will reduce the strains that are experienced by the horse. Trimming also improves the shape of the hoof.

Shoeing is also an important hoof care. It helps in supporting the heel and assist in heel related problems. It increases the circulation of blood at the heel and promote a proper foot shape. There are a variety of shoe types that one can choose from. Each type will have its own added advantages.

Exercise is a very important aspect when it comes to control and treatment of ailments. One is therefore required to exercise the horse so as to build the physique. It will promote good circulation with in the body. Slow long distance walks and swimming are very helpful during control of the disease. One should not engage them in vigorous exercises like running at very high speeds. The horses should not also be strained while walking on very rocky surfaces or even jumping.

The illness can be managed through a number of methods. It is always advisable to seek advice from your vet. They may have some medication that will fasten the healing process.

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