Wednesday 19 November 2014

What Tubal Reversal Is And What It Entails

By Christa Jarvis

Getting pregnant is a dream of women who wants to start a family. But there are others who choose to not get pregnant anymore. And there are several reasons to this. It may be because she feels that the number of children is already enough or she wants to have sexual intercourse but not have kids yet. It can be a permanent or temporary solution to your issues.

Being under the process means that there is a need to alter everything. And the decision of doing this should not be yours alone especially if you already have someone in your life. To not get pregnant, there is a process called ligation. But if you want to reverse the process, you can have the tubal reversal Louisiana.

When you undergo tubal ligation, this would mean that there would be no chance for the sperm and the egg cell to meet because the path of the fallopian tube is blocked. There are several ways to do this depending on the discretion of the patient. Usually, it is blocked through using clips and clamps. But others want to have it sealed or severed completely.

Ligation procedures can be done in several ways. And it can be classified into temporary or permanent condition. And you need to choose between the two. In this aspect, you need to consider your future choices as well. With ligation, you would still have the normal menstrual cycle so it would not feel so different.

Before undergoing any type of procedure that involves this much, you need to think of your decision first. And you also have to look at other options and why they are better or not compared to what you are planning to undergo. This is so that you would not have regrets afterwards.

Regretting the ligation is not something that is rare for women. There are others who are also blaming their decisions for not getting pregnant anymore. So you do not have to feel that you are alone in this situation. And know that there are health care professionals who would willingly guide you to make the right decision next time.

If you want the process reversed, you need to see if the ligation method that was done is something that can still be reversed as well. Majority of the operations can be undone but if you go for the Hysteroscopic Tubal procedure, there is no possibility of undoing it.

Reversals are not the only way to bear a child. You can also choose In Vitro Fertilization. In this case, the cells will meet outside the body of the woman, particularly in glass where it would be monitored by doctors. The fertilized egg would then be injected back to the womb. This means that you would not require to have intercourse. But there are risks to this that you must think about as well.

There are disadvantages and advantages when it comes to medical procedures. It is the nature of the operations. And it is up to you to know what these are so that you would not be surprised with the situations that you might run into.

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