Thursday 27 November 2014

Understanding People Who Are Suffering From Daily Dread

By Ida Dorsey

Anxiety is a common emotion. This is something that you feel when you are not comfortable with the situation. But there are times that this can be too extreme and the way you feel is not considered normal anymore. In this generation, there have been several discoveries about certain conditions that are not evident but is in fact considered a disorder.

The feeling that you would experience when you are anxious is very unsettling. People who have these disorders suffer from daily dread. And one of the most alarming results from the researches that have been conducted over the past years is the fact that it has also been a cause of more serious physical and mental conditions. There are even people who have committed suicide.

There are many types under it. And this would depend on the symptoms and the different emotions that a person feels. There are even times that it is a combination of two or more. If you think that you have this type of disorder, you need to be certain before seeking treatment first. You have to know the basics and what it entails as well.

When you feel like you are suffocated and out of breath, and this is accompanied by chest pains, it can be one of the two things. It could be a heart or panic attack. But if you are sure that you have no existing heart condition, then you can conclude that it is indeed the latter. When you feel extreme nervousness, this could be the result. The bad thing is that you have no idea when it will occur again.

Feeling awkward in a sea of people that you do not know is common to all individuals. But for some people, being in an event or just walking in the school hall way can be a torture. If this is the case, you need to have yourself checked. There is a chance that you are suffering from a condition.

According to experts, the anxiety comes from the thought that you will be humiliated or judged when you try to show your face in the crowd. The formal term for this is the social anxiety condition. You do not do well in crowds and you tend to think so little of yourself that you could not stand it at all.

There are specific phobias and some people have them. This is also considered as a disorder. But this is not as extreme as the first two ones. With phobias, you can control them over time. But this can be really dangerous especially if it can cause a panic attack.

The causes of this particular behavior vary. It can be attributed to the way the you were brought up when you were still a kid. It can also be the result of a traumatic experience. There are others who acquire it from the thought that they are flawed and worsen from there.

The choice to get treated should be yours. This type of condition has a way of taking over your life. And before you know it, it is manipulating and influencing your decision at every turn. In this regard, you have to ask for advice from medical expert on what is the best step to take and what is the treatment that you should undergo.

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