Monday 3 November 2014

Trouble Swallowing Pills And Mays Of Navigating Through It

By Etta Bowen

Many people experience a difficulty in swallowing pills than you might have previously expected. There are surveys which have been conducted that suggest that about 40% of people experience trouble swallowing pills. This is a very high number of individuals.

Swallowing is usually taken as a very insignificant body function and yet a lot of people have undergone the problem of swallowing at one point in their life or other. It is not a cause of major concern as it is more of an exceedingly vital process. If the problems experienced while swallowing persist it can result to serious implications to the affected.

To those who are affected it disheartens especially when they see some people ingest multiple pills all at a go in one gulp. In many quarters, people tend to think that one of the best ways to overcome this challenge is to break the pill into pieces much smaller or just chew them. However we should note that the suggestion of chewing the pills might not be prudent.

When we look at some of the medications they are coated by entric. This type of coating will prevent the medicine from disintegrating until it eventually arrives at the small intestine. Such types of medication (entric-coating) when not swallowed as a whole can cause about irritation in the stomach or altogether they might be deactivated by the stomachs acid.

For the people who think that their fear is just too strong they can feel free to engage their healthcare providers with more of this information. The medical practitioner should be able to offer you something more than your fear. As long as you face your fear you will not be able to gain self-confidence and discipline when it comes to taking your vitamins, medication or supplements as well.

On the other hand when it comes to the crushing of the tablet there are accompanying implications. What is required more is clinical and legal aide. For those who are uncomfortable when taking the pills they can be prescribed medication of a different form. The pills can be broken down into four or two so that they can be easier to swallow. The pills can also be crushed totally and dissolved in water.

When the liquid supplements rate of absorption is high, the body will be able to utilize most of the vitamins that may otherwise have become indigested and conveyed out in the form of solid waste. So it can be more convenient to use the liquid medication than subject themselves to large sized tablets. The ultimate aim in all the situations is to solve our problem.

For the medical worker to be able to ascertain dysphagia cause, it will be necessary for them to take up a series of tests. Some of the things which may look like tumors in the pharynx may be the causes of the obstructions. They may be removed surgically or altogether subjected to chemotherapy and radiation treatments. But this will only be the case if it is very serious.

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