Wednesday 19 November 2014

Discovering Proven Ways To Stop Snoring

By Donna Beley

The loud sounds some people make while sleeping are no joke. When the interruptions caused by snoring begin to affect life during the daylight hours, they may indicate an underlying medical problem. A Chicago sleep medicine center helps sufferers by providing individually tailored solutions to this personal problem.

The mechanics of snoring differ individually, but generally occur when air cannot move freely through the nose and mouth. The blockage can be caused initially by the position of the body at rest, or by excess fatty tissue surrounding the throat. It often become more pronounced with age as the throat narrows and muscle tone gradually diminishes.

Fewer women than men battle this syndrome, and carrying excess weight in an out-of-shape body makes it more likely to happen. Certain medications and alcohol use are known to affect normal breathing patterns, and the hazards of smoking are well documented. Sinus or nasal problems also inhibit air intake, and can result in habitual mouth-breathing.

Because the problem is so universal, new products promising instant relief are regularly marketed. Oral prosthetic devices have produced good results for many users, but actually address the symptoms rather than eliminating basic causes. Real progress in the battle usually involves smoking cessation, a realistic exercise plan, and weight loss.

Some sufferers advise wearing nasal strips at night, using a humidifier, trying different sleeping positions, or taking antihistamines. None of those remedies are much help fighting apnea, a condition that frequently interrupts sound sleep with sensations of suffocation. It can be an indicator of more serious physical issues.

For those who cannot find a working solution, a medical sleep center appointment may be the key. While surgery is still recommended to correct some problems, new techniques can shrink excess throat tissue with less trauma. Loud snoring can be marginally funny in a sit-com, but it is not humorous to those who must struggle with the problem every night.

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