Friday 26 September 2014

Trust Your Pain Relief To A Knox County Chiropractic Office

By Michael Cabunoc

After a slip and fall incident, sitting at a desk for too many hours a day or because of a car accident that caused whiplash, pain will make daily life difficult to unbearable. Often, the victim prefers to avoid strong prescription drugs. He or she may find the help needed in the office of a leading Knox County chiropractor.

A chiropractor views the spinal column as the locus of pain being felt in other parts of the body. A series of small, hollow bones make up the spine. These vertebrae protect the spinal cord which runs through them. Pressure against a nerve root is often responsible for any pain the individual experiences.

If one vertebra is out of place it is referred to as a subluxation in chiropractic terms. This misalignment can cause moderate to excruciating pain to the victim. Spinal adjustments, administered over a series of office visits, can correct the condition by reducing the pressure exerted against the spinal cord.

Information gathering is the main focus of the first office appointment. The level of pain and how long it has been going on will be discussed. Some non-invasive testing will be done to evaluate the range-of-motion the individual is capable of.

After an evaluation, a plan for care to alleviate the pain is devised. If one or more misplaced vertebrae are exerting pressure against a spinal nerve, reliving it will have an effect on the pain. It will, over a period of time, reduce the excruciating hurt to a manageable level.

One point to remember is that each person experiences a unique condition. Although your injury may sound identical to one you heard of that was cared for in a certain way, that way may not be appropriate in your case for one reason or another. Chiropractic care is designed in a unique way depending on factors such as age, general health and anything else that is specific to each person suffering from pain in the back or another part of the body.

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