Saturday 17 May 2014

General Facts On Standing Meditation

By Minnie Whitley

Meditation is a practice that is used for a variety of purposes and involve individuals training their minds or inducing a mode of consciousness. This may be done as an end within itself or as some other benefit. This term is used to refer to a broad category of practices that involve different techniques used to build up internal energy or the life force, promote relaxation, and develop love, patience, compassion, forgiveness and generosity. Standing meditation refers to a type that is considered a powerful and simple approach. People all around the world, including in California, practice this on a regular basis.

With this practice, the body is aligned in a specific way and held still. Qi, or energy flow, is encouraged to take on its natural rhythm and flow throughout the meridian system. This is done to dissolve blockages that may be present and preventing it from flowing naturally.

There is a lot of benefit that can come of doing this regularly. People who do this tout the benefits available to the entire body. In fact, it is thought to balance the whole self. How long each sessions lasts will range. Some may do this for just a few minutes while others extend it to for longer period. This should be the choice of the person. All that is needed for this type of meditation is an open mind, body and a quiet area to practice.

In order to do this, a person requires a pleasant and quiet place where he or she can practice. It may be best to start practicing inside, although facing toward a window where you can gaze outside can be a good experience as well. Stand with the feet hip distance apart and with the toes pointing forward. Soften the back of the knees enough to feel the pelvis relax down and the weight come in the feet. Imagine it being as though you just mounted on a horse.

Look forward and align the head so that it is right on atop the spine. This helps make the muscles in the neck, head, face and throat relax. Smile softly and let the tongue float to the roof of the mouth, just behind the front, top teeth. Allow the hands to flow up around 10 inches in front of the lower half of the abdomen.

The palms should face a few inches lower than the navel and the fingertips should be pointed forward but not touching each other. Imagine it like you are in the position to hug a tree. The fingers can extend and should have space between them. The elbows should be lifted a lot so the armpits feel hollow.

Inhale deeply and exhale completely a couple of times. While doing this, make small adjustments that are necessary in the stance so that you feel as comfortable as possible. Imagine being an ancient tree or mountain, something that you consider serene and stable. Let the breath return to a normal rhythm and become still in your physical body. Enjoy the time of doing nothing.

Hold this position for at least 10 minutes or longer, if you decide. Increase the time gradually every time you do it. The results will differ from person to person, but many people report positive effects with this practice.

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