Saturday 26 April 2014

Will The Antichrist Be A Muslim Or Just An Unfounded Theory

By Essie Osborn

Christians, heathens, pagans, Muslims and all groups of people are wondering about one thing; the end of the age, that time when the world is going to end. The most interesting question that still lingers in the air is will the antichrist be a Muslim? This argument alone is farfetched and to say the least, there are no Biblical indications that the antichrist is from an Islam community.

The approach that many people have is that the beast is most likely going to come from the Islam community. However, there is no religious information, facts or proof recorded about this. The Bible itself talks about the beast but does not really say who he is according to the Book of Revelation. According to Koran, the Islam community believes in Jesus but there are no indications in the same religion that they are going to rebel against him.

The Bible is probably the best tool to use to approach this question. First, no one really have the right information and perhaps it can be unforgiving to say that the individual is going to come from the Islam community. There are no traces of details listed in the Bible, which says that he is likely to be a Christian or a heathen, to say the least.

Three out of the ten horns are subdued. This is because they are against the rise to power of this false spiritual leader. Because they will be against him, they will definitely object his desire to rise to power on the kingdom of the earth. From this time onwards, this false spiritual leader begins to reign and he is to be so powerful that so many people are going to fall prey of his deceit.

So many people and organizations out there are against Jesus today. They do not believe either he is the son of God or still cling on to the faith that the promised Messiah is yet to come. Beside, who would believe that a child born in a manager would really make a son of God or a King of the Jews to say the least? Yes, this is an enough show that many who are against Jesus are so because they do not believe in him.

Another Biblical approach to this matter talks about the many deceivers that already exist on the surface of the earth. According to the second epistles of John in the New Testament, there are deceivers who are already misleading people asking them to lead a different life, which is against the gospel of truth. These are the antichrists for real.

The Bible speaks of a Kingdom that will rise above the rulers of the earth and devour the world. The ruler would subdue and rule the earth and make deceit flourish. According to the Book of Daniel, this ruler is from the Roman Empire.

If then what Daniel saw is synonymous to the vision of John in the island of Patmos, the antichrist cannot come from Islam community. If not, there are still questions surrounding the Roman Empire. Besides that, there is really little to prove that an Islam could be the antichrist.

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