Sunday 20 April 2014

When Will The Rapture Happen

By Essie Osborn

Actually, no one but God the Father knows the answer to the question: 'When will the rapture happen?' After the disciples asked it. Jesus answered them by telling them that only His father knew the time, but that there would be signs that would let people know it was approaching.

Because He also said that some alive at that time would live to see it, His disciples were expecting His return in their day. This is one of the mysteries of the Bible, which also tells us that one day is like a thousand years to the Lord. At the end of the nineteenth century, some people were sure that the time was ripe. They gathered on the rooftops on New Year's eve, waiting to be 'caught up into the air'.

The Bible is our best source of information on this subject. Since the event happens in the future, the prophecies given both in the Old Testament and the New are our only clues. This means, of course, that Christians must 'take it on faith' that the event will happen when the time is right. Those who do not believe the Bible or its prophecies do not believe in the rapture of the church.

There are many different opinions about this world-changing event, even among believers. Some Christians don't give credence to a rapture of the Church. Some ministers think that the end is near, while others don't focus on coming events. There are those who believe they will escape the tribulation, and others who are stockpiling food and other supplies against the impending judgement. The study of the end times is called 'eschatology'.

In the early 1830s, the idea of a 'pretribulation' event began to be popularized. This belief was held by one minister and said to follow a prophetic word given to a teen-age girl. However, it was and is controversial, thought by many to be an error in biblical interpretation. There is no record of early church writings on this subject.

There is a series of books - the biggest-selling series of all time - about a pre-tribulation rapture. The books follow those left behind after all believers and all young children disappear from the earth. Movies have been made from the books, as well. Although many Christians read the books for enjoyment, they may not share the idea that they will be raptured before God's seven years of judgement begin.

There are many books, sermons, and sites on the internet that cover this subject. Although believers should seek to understand the Bible and the plan of God, they should remember that God tells them to 'occupy until He comes'; in other words, live life fully according to God's instructions and trust Him to handle the things people cannot control.

We cannot know the exact date of Jesus' return and the events that surround it. Many hope to see His second coming with their earthly eyes, while others hope to go to heaven before the turmoil of the end times and the establishment of the Millenial Kingdom.

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