Saturday 19 April 2014

Discover The Steps Involved In How To Be Saved By Jesus

By Essie Osborn

Generally, God is for us all. We are sinners and no one is righteous than the other, it is therefore important for Christians to stop assuring one other, or being the judge of others. The bible says that, for all humans have sinned and has fallen short of glory. The only way to be rescued from sin is to allow the blood of Christ that washes away our sins to save you from sin and eternal destruction. It is therefore important for you to learn how to be saved by Jesus.

It is sad that some people feel useless, whenever they have done something wrong. Actually, some even decide to take their own lives out of guilt. However, this should not be the case. Even if your sins are as red as scarlet, God can make them as white as snow. Actually, after knowing the secret of repentance, God will count your sins no more.

Giving your life to Christ is not forceful thing that you should do. It is a self-will act that you should do without anyone pressurizing you in any way. Actually, it begins by you making a firm decision about it. Salvation is a gift from God in heaven for everyone on earth. The personal decision that you make to follow Christ is crucial since it determines your fate after all other things are gone.

After making a firm decision to embrace salvation, you need then to confess your sins. Sins that you do not confess are not atonable. You should ensure that you confess all your sins to God and ask for forgiveness to become a child of the kingdom. God is gracious in such a way that he gave out the Holy Spirit who helps people with the confession prayer. This is crucial to note since it is confession that brings forgiveness.

It is sad that some Christians are born again, but still guilty of their past mistakes. They do not only condemn themselves, but the guilty of their past mistakes hinder them from rejoicing in Christ. The devil is a liar. He likes the people of God to live in condemnation. You should not allow him to deny you the joy of salivation. Remind yourself every day, that your sins have been forgiven, and walk in forgiveness.

Moreover, you need to understand that, now that you have accepted the Christ as your personal savior, you should not sit back and watch. You have started this journey with Christ and you should look forward to finish it. You need to be prayerful to God so that he gives you strength to carry on and the wisdom to destroy the devil plans.

It is crucial to take the bible as your most treasured book in your spiritual life. Your salvation would not have deeper roots to overcome sins and temptations if you do not keep Gods word in your heart. In addition, ensure that you make worship your great pillar of your salvation.

Lastly, ensure that everywhere you go, you acknowledge Jesus as your personal savior. The bible says that, anyone who will not be able to testify that Jesus is lord over his or her life, will also be ashamed to call him his son.

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