Saturday 22 March 2014

Can Negative Thoughts Help You To Manifest Your Dreams

By Andrew Tatiana

Have you been told that in order to use the Law of Attraction to its fullest potential you should think positive thoughts about what you want your life to be like. Once you feel sure that you will achieve your goal then your reality will begin to move towards that goal. How can you be positive and optimistic all the time though? What if you feel damaged or filled with doubts and fears? What if your nature simply isn't very positive all the time? Are you relegated to living a life where your dreams won't come true?

Negative thoughts are going to come. We are all human, after all. Some of us tend to have a more negative personality. Some of us are simply filled with more fears than others. Not all of us are brave and positive about the direction our life is moving. We have fears about everything. Even the idea of becoming wealthy might fill you with fear. What if your friends and family secretly become jealousy because you're wealthy? What if you change because of wealth? We might even have fears and negative thoughts surrounding success in many aspects of our life that are holding us back. What can we do with these fears and worries? Is it possible to use these fears to help us achieve our goals with the help of the Law of Attraction?

The Law of Attraction states that any thought backed by strong emotions can become manifested in our reality very quickly. For most people, this strong emotion is desire, passion, love or some other positive emotion. It is also true that thoughts backed by fear, which is a very powerful emotion, can come true very quickly. You may have seen this happen in your own life or the life of those around you. As they focus on avoiding something terrible in their life, that very things that they fear comes true. That picture in your mind filled with worry often comes true more quickly than something simple that you might try to manifest using positive thoughts and emotions. The universe and the Law of Attraction don't understand positive and negative. All they know is that you have a thought backed by some very powerful emotions.

Creating a scenario inside our mind where we take a positive goal or dream and wrap it with fear might be a way to use these negative emotions to achieve a positive outcome. Taking that fear that consumes you and seems to be a part of your personality at times can be put to good use. You can control that worry and make it a powerful force to bring about change in your life. If you are tired of struggling with fear and worry then it's only logical that there must be a way to harness it instead of denying it. The struggle can be quite tiresome for some of us.

Maybe there is someone in your life that you are attracted to. You wish that this person would fall in love with you. This would make you very happy and having a loving relationship is something that you want in your life. Of course, doubts and fear sometimes overwhelm you and you worry that it will never happen. You are almost expecting that rejection on a daily basis and you feel horrible every morning when you wake up.

Instead of being afraid of being rejected, why not try being afraid of this relationship coming to fruition? Think of how it would feel to wake up in the morning knowing that the person you loved was crazy about you. Your life would change. You would have more responsibilities. They would consume a lot of your time and you wouldn't have as much time for your friends or for yourself. What if they fell in love with you and they weren't as wonderful as you thought they were. What if they were clingy or jealous or if they smothered you with their love? Just think about being smothered by that person's love. Think about not having a moment alone or feeling as if they loved you more than you loved them. Oh the horror! Soon you will find that the thought of not receiving that love is gone and you're in a space where the love of your life not only falls in love with you but they consume you with that love. Fear has overwhelmed that doubt and now you have some powerful emotions behind that dream.

Even though you might wish that you could be more positive and optimistic about your dreams, there are simply going to be times when worry creeps in. Taking advantage of these emotions instead of fighting against them might be a solution that you can use in such times while still enjoying the pleasant task of visualizing your dreams in a more positive light at other times. Use all your emotions to bring about the changes that you dream of in your life. Fears and doubts will come but embracing them as a part of yourself can be healthy as you heal your soul from past hurts. Using the Law of Attraction and all your feelings very will might bring you the changes and opportunities more quickly when you step outside of the box and try leveraging fear and doubt to your advantage.

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