Saturday 1 February 2014

Understanding The Old Covenant Vs New Covenant

By Eliza Mendoza

When comparing the old covenant vs new covenant the difference between them becomes clear. From Mount Sinai came the first agreement God made with Israel. This was in the form of a system of laws and statutes and applied only to the nation of Israel. The second binding agreement was between God and all of mankind and was a spiritual fulfillment of promises.

Moses was given the ten commandments and these were written in stone. They had to be obeyed and disobedience was punishable. In the New Testament we read in the book of Hebrews that Christ came to establish a new agreement. This one was written on the heart instead of in stone. Obedience was to come from the heart instead of through keeping of laws.

The law was difficult to fulfill and the nation of Israel were constantly falling short and having to repent. Every year the High Priest had to sacrifice animals so that they could be forgiven for their sins. In the New Testament it states that Christ made a once and for all sacrifice for the sins of mankind. Continual sacrifices for sin were no longer required.

Circumcision, whereby the flesh of the foreskin was removed from male babies, was required as an act of the obedience. The circumcision spoken about by Jesus Christ was of a different kind. Through acceptance of His death by faith, a spiritual circumcision takes place, removing the body of flesh.

In the old testament priests and prophets had to relate to God on behalf of the people. The priests made sacrifices and the prophets acted as mouthpieces for God. This changed with the second agreement. Christ was the high priest who went into the Holy of Holies. On His death the veil was rent and man was no longer separated from God. This meant that everyone now had free access to God. He could be approached directly without need of an intermediary.

The nation of Israel had to keep the Sabbath. This was a holy day of rest. If they did not keep it they were punished. Keeping it brought them blessings. After the death of Christ for their sins, believers simply need to believe in what He did in order to enter His rest. Every minute of every day belongs to Him, not just one special day.

As part of the first agreement, things and places were considered holy. Only the High Priest could enter the Holy of Holies. When Jesus Christ died, the veil of the temple was torn into two, opening the way for all people into the presence of God through His blood. Worship is not longer a matter of place or time but a state of heart. The emphasis has shifted to the inner man, and attitudes and motives have become more important than external actions.

When considering the Old Covenant vs New Covenant, it becomes evident that the second agreement fulfills the first. The physical requirements of the first helped keep the people aware of God, constantly reminding them of their need for reconciliation and fellowship with him. The second agreement is based on the sacrifice of Christ on the cross and it presents a new basis of relationship between God and humans. This is a relationship based on faith and grace rather than on works of the law.

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