Wednesday 12 February 2014

East Africa Social Network And General Life

By Jerri Perry

Adolescence is a stage of life, which is both daunting and exhilarating, it is at times filled with excitement and other times be filled with sorrows, pain, disappointments and doubts. In fact, the use of East Africa Social Network among the young people has helped build self-confidence among a certain groups of person and at the same time caused disappointments and loneliness among other persons. In real life situation, social media can is both great and harmful for the young generation.

The most interesting part, however, is the idea that someone can actually meet with someone online and have something special going on. The notion that finding love on these websites is easy is what actually makes people who are searching for soul mates to resort to the new solution. Meeting someone at work or in the Church is almost becoming an obsolete reality.

The use of interactive platforms has become part of life today, for the adolescents and some percentage of the aged persons. Research conducted on the use of interactive sites indicate that at least 90% of the American teens have active profiles, others have social networking websites and still, others visit their profiles more than one time in a daily.

Understanding the role of these services in the lives of young people is quite difficult. Still, many parents, educators and mentors have the interest of knowing whether these services are helpful to the young generation or whether they are a waste of time. As already stated, these types of websites are both useful and harmful.

There are people who are optimistic about the potential benefits of these services. Actually, young people can find them useful for learning, doing research, gathering educative ideas and developing the level of their creativity. However, there are instances where the same services could actually spike violence among the young people, cause emotional danger and mental damages.

Most research done today on the use of these platforms tries to analyze the exact value of the number of young adults who take part in their use. From the finding, most researchers have realized huge results packed with both positive and negative implications. Most research clearly indicate that an overuse of these platforms have cause discouragement, anxieties and uncertain situations among the young adults.

While trying to carry out an analysis on the use of social media, there are several questions that researcher always ask at the back of their minds before they can arrive at an actual conclusion. The common question is how frequent the young people do text on platforms like Google Plus, Facebook or Twitter. They try to find out the most favorite way that the young people use to pass a message across to both known and unknown persons.

If anything, East Africa Social Network will never be a safe place to look for a long life partner. Unless you are sure enough about that decision, you would not dare risk at all, let alone thinking of the disappointment that it bring. To benefit you well, keep at the interaction level and let the rest flow.

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