Friday 14 February 2014

American Political Commentary To Win Friends And Influence People

By Jerri Perry

Passionate men and women are engaging in American political commentary, eager to get their point of view across to citizens whose votes may decide the future. They try to keep confused, discouraged citizens engaged in politics, so that they will vote and also contact their representatives to let them know their views. It would be nice if there was a 'truth meter' to determine the accuracy of news reports and opinion pieces; unfortunately this does not exist.

America is currently a fragmented society. Racial tensions, conservative versus progressive values, and differing opinions on economic issues, foreign policy, and the role of government have made working together hard on many levels. Unfortunately, money is involved in every area of life, and this fact helps to make both public and private people biased and inflexible.

Talk show hosts can become very influential, with growing numbers of followers as well as critics. News anchors and newspaper columnists also attain prominence as their opinions are read and analyzed. Private people become confused by the complexity of the issues, a problem that's not helped by the complicated riders that are tacked on to every bill that comes before the House and Senate.

The mainstream media seems determined to steer public opinion in a liberal direction by seizing on every error on the conservative side and glossing over mistakes made by the administration and Congress. Major legislation is ignored while celebrities are given headline attention.

Christians generally have a more conservative viewpoint, believing in pay as you go, the worth of individual freedom and incentive, and the advantages of free enterprise. Those who do not share their beliefs often cannot understand them at all. Those who look to God for direction, help, and provision seldom believe that government knows best and should handle most of society's ills.

Stronger frameworks for public policy, like a strict interpretation of the Constitution or a balanced budget amendment, could make deep divisions in our society less likely. However, today it seems that party politics reign supreme, with representatives voting along party lines rather than their own convictions. Many people don't believe that legislators have the good of the country or the public as their motivation.

Major controversies rage over peace efforts in the Middle East, amnesty for illegal aliens, public education, student loans, national debt, and health care. Commentators have no shortage of subject matter, since these and other subjects are coming before the legislature and the courts on a regular basis.

Well, there's a lot to say, and American political commentary is saying it. Whether you are afraid of climate change or think the sun is in charge, think marriage is between a man or a woman or think it's more open, think the states should run the schools or like the Common Core, you can find support for your position. God help us all.

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