Saturday 15 February 2014

3 Signs That Your Ex Misses You

By Beth E Peterson

The doubt and frustration after a breakup can be maddening. Wondering if you still have a chance of getting back together with your ex can be confusing. Often what your ex says and what they do seem to be in opposition. They might tell you one thing yet you have this nagging feeling that they are still in love with you. You feel that there is still hope. You want to get back together but every attempt to reunite is met with opposition.

Sorting out your own feelings and deciding what you should do in such a situation can be heartbreaking. Does your ex still love you? Does your ex miss you? Should you try talking things through with your ex or should you wait for them to come back to you? The truth is that your ex very well might be as confused as you are right now but take a hint from these signs that your ex does still love you and hold fast to the hope that you can get back together with your ex.

If you hear from some of your friends or family members that you ex was in touch with them then there is a good chance that your ex is missing you. Your ex might say that they were simply catching up with old friends or that they didn't want to be rude to your family but the truth is probably something completely different. For your ex to contact your mutual friends or your immediate family, there is probably still some love there for you and a feeling of loss that they needed to address. Contacting people close to you is a passive way of contacting you without disturbing you or contacting you directly.

The temptation to either become angry with your friends and family for talking with your ex might be your initial reaction. Instead of lashing out at them, recognize this communication between your ex and the people around you as a feeble attempt to get information about you. It might be best if you keep your thoughts and feelings to yourself at this point. Dragging your close friends into your relationship right now isn't a good idea. Let your ex become frustrated when they can't get any real information out of these resources and make your ex contact you directly instead. Using a third party to help you get your ex back isn't a good idea, no matter how clever you might think it is.

The next clue that your ex still feels something for you will be that they contact you directly. They might have a question or a lame excuse to get in touch with you such as wanting to return some things that they found or yous or to ask you a simple question such as where something is that they misplaced. The truth is that they are contacting you to either see how you are, hear your voice again or to open up the lines of communication. Your ex will have moments when they will miss you every bit as much as you miss them. The desire to connect with the person that was once so close to them can be overwhelming and they will reach out to you in this moment of weakness.

Try to resist the urge to talk about the breakup or anything having to do with getting back together. You can be glad to hear their voice or happy to receive their message but keep you wits about you. Keep your thoughts and emotions to yourself concerning getting back together. If you feel that you aren't ready to see your ex at the moment, find an excuse to put off meeting with them or avoid their phone call for the moment. It is crucially important that you exude confidence and happiness at this point in the process of getting back together. Your actions and body language will speak volumes so resist the temptation and don't speak about getting back together until they voice their desire.

One good place to look for signs that your ex is still in love with you is on their social networking profile. While spying on your ex is frowned upon, you probably know that your ex looks at your profile to see what is going on in your life. Likewise, your ex knows that you look at their profile so they will sometimes post pictures or write about how happy they are with life right now. Chances are that the majority of information that your ex posts to their profile will be directed towards you without mentioning your name at all.

Checking on your ex through social networking sites is probably one of the most dangerous things you can do. The emotional torment and wasted time looking at updates and trying to read into everything can confuse your mind. It's easy to create some very bad scenarios inside your mind and it is very much a one sided conversation at this point. Try not to read into things too much. If your ex is posting photos of them with new people or even someone that they just started dating then you can be almost positive that they're trying to make you jealous or make it appear that they have moved on. This will often backfire on them. Not wanting to show that they are in emotional pain will cause them to hide their grief until they finally break down one day. It will happen. Just be sure you are prepared for that day.

Wait for any or all of these signs to appear in your life and you can be sure that your ex misses you and your love. You may be tempted to contact your ex or even voice your opinion about what they appear to be doing. Avoid this temptation and instead let your ex come to you first. Let your ex be the one that caves in. Let your ex be the first one to say I love you. Let everything happen naturally but be prepared for that moment when it arrives. Work on your self-confidence and get back to being that person that your ex fell in love with in the first place and you stand a very good chance of getting back together with your ex.

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