Monday 20 January 2014

The Function Of Food For The Poor In Haiti

By Marissa Velazquez

There is no question but that food is one of the key elements needed for survival. Along with oxygen and water, humans must have sustenance in order to live. In many countries, food is plentiful, but too many people are going hungry every day. Food for the Poor in Haiti has a mission to provide food for as many of this nation's hungry people as possible. Further, the food the group provides is that which promotes and highest level of health.

The smallest component of the human body is the cell. Every part of the body is made up of cells. In order for these cells to be healthy and to operate correctly, they must be made of the right nutrients and must get the right fuel to function. Since there are trillions of cells which perform all the various functions of the body, each one must be strong and healthy for an individual to continue strong cellular building blocks.

Energy to take care of all of the necessary bodily activities is provided by the nutritional intake. Whether you are walking, sleeping, running or eating, your body requires fuel. Carbohydrates in the foods that are consumed provide the energy components to operate efficiently. When there is not enough fuel, the body is not able to do the most basic activities.

Vitamins, minerals, proteins are all critical elements and must be taken in through the foods you eat. In order to operate at top efficiency, bodily organs require the right nutrients. Vitamin A is required for vision and the thyroid gland operates best if there is enough iodine. Different nutritional elements have different purposes in the bodily systems and organs.

You need to eat in order to strengthen your immune system. The immune system operates to prevent germs from taking over the body. The system kills off the germs by means of white blood cells. Foreign invaders are overwhelmed and destroyed by the immune systems. The right building blocks of white blood cells are provided when the healthiest nutrients are eaten.

A healthy mind depends on the foods you consume. When a person takes adequate amount of sustenance, it helps his brain to work properly. A good diet leads to efficient working of the mind. It helps to increase concentration power and build memory. Since everything in the body works on the command of brain, thus a healthy brain also means competent execution of overall body functions.

Lack of eating results in a number of negative effects. These can range from hunger pangs to weakness to death. Even missing out on vital nutrients can affect the overall health of a person. You need to replenish your supply of fuel to prevent the type of symptoms found in those suffering from malnutrition or starvation.

Adequate and healthy nutrition is a requirement for survival. Food for the Poor in Haiti uses this concept as the guiding principle for its operation. Actions to improve the quality and amount of sustenance are identified and implemented. Where children are involved, adequate nutrition helps with growth and development. Countrywide focused programs are the delivery means.

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