Wednesday 1 January 2014

Having An Encounter With God

By Harriett Crosby

It's easy to have an encounter with God. Anyone who sincerely seeks the creator of the universe without ulterior motives will be successful. God wants a relationship and is waiting for a surrendered heart and spirit to 'come in and sup with' such a one. Relinquishing the will and the right to sit on the throne of one's own life results in an attitude that can hear God's voice and feel His presence.

Asking God to reveal Himself might be the most important encounter of all. Once you turn to Him with hope - even if it's your very last one - and get the response He has been waiting to give, you step into salvation and eternal life.

You need to confess that you are a sinner, as we all are, and that you cannot save yourself. Ask for His forgiveness and believe that Jesus paid the price for your wrongdoing when He died on the cross. As God raised Jesus up, He will also raise you up to new life as a child of God.

Fortunately, God has hard-wired mankind with a need for God and an ability to believe 'in things unseen'. When you acknowledge your need for Him, which is not hard as all fail in life without His presence, you will feel in your heart His immediate nearness and love. In fact, the emotions that stir at the moment you surrender yourself to Him will be something you remember and treasure for the rest of your days.

Of course, there will be other encounters. Jesus tells us that He is closer than a brother, and it's true. He will share with you all the events of your life that you open up. He will lead and guide and instruct, He will comfort and help and heal, He will listen and forgive and empower.

This kind of life is full of testimony, which is the story of the relationship between you and the Lord. The accounts believers give are important to them, since the memories strengthen their faith. They are also important to others, who can learn from them and may be inspired to seek God for themselves.

It is true, however, that the Lord does not invade an un-surrendered life. If you choose to close yourself off, He allows that. It grieves Him, as it grieves any loving parent estranged from a child. He watches over you by giving you air, water, and food, and reveals His glory in the wonders of nature. He may allow hard circumstances in your life, but He will not force His way into your heart.

An encounter with God should be every person's goal. It's the way to the free gift of salvation and the joy of the Lord that will be your strength as long as you walk with Him.

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