Friday 27 December 2013

Being Patient When Trying To Get Your Girlfriend Back

By Beverly Gillespie

Whether you've just gone through a breakup and you want to get your ex back or you want to move on, often overcoming the pain can be a seemingly impossible task. You think about your ex all the time. Every morning you relive the pain and emotions of being alone. There's anger, sorrow, depression and a feeling of worthlessness that goes along with each and every breakup no matter what the circumstances might have been.

Getting past that pain and those emotions just isn't as easy as people might lead you to believe. You want to get past the pain. You want to begin to live your life again but it seems that no matter what you do you're faced with these emotions day in and day out. Sure, you might have a good day or two but when you least expect it, those feelings come to the surface again and you feel like you're right back where you were before.

It's natural to be a little anxious about getting your girlfriend back. It's natural to get upset, nervous, suspicious and jealous. It's natural to doubt that she'll ever give you that second chance but the fact is that these emotions can cause us to do drastic things that can kill our chances of winning back the woman that we love. Our impatient nature can cause us to do stupid things that actually make matters worse rather than better.

Being nice to her, buying her gifts and doing things for her isn't going to win her back either. Bribery just makes things awkward. Even emotional bribery such as telling her that you care about her, that you love her or even checking on her only serve to make her feel uncomfortable.

When that doesn't work, you may have tried some variations of this technique. You tried being super nice to her or you bought her gifts. You may have even told her that you had bought these gifts before you broke up but you wanted her to have these things. You may have even begged or cried and pleaded with her to have mercy upon your soul and asked her to give you another chance. You told her that you loved her and that she was the most important person in your life.

In case you didn't know already, all of these methods will fail you. No matter how much your frantic mind might want to convince you that these are the right things to do, it's lying to you. Your mind will try to tell you all sorts of things to get you to just act and do the wrong things. It is filled with fear right now. Fear will cause you to do anything right about now, even if it's wrong. You should be kicking back right now coming up with a real plan to get your girlfriend back if you're serious.

A real plan to get your girlfriend back should be based upon female psychology and what a woman needs to feel in order to overcome the biggest hurdle that confronts you right now which is the fact that she broke up with you. She has told all of her friends and family that she is done with you. That is going to be a big obstacle to overcome so you're going to have to speak to her emotions. Her decision is going to have to be an emotional one. She is going to have to want you more than she might be embarassed to tell everyone that she is getting back together with you.

Getting past the pain of your breakup isn't an easy process. There are going to be times when you feel like you are cured but those black thoughts and feelings of despair might be right around the corner for you. Understanding this and being patient with yourself is something to keep in mind. You can and will feel better one day soon and the pain from this breakup will be a distant memory.

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