Thursday 17 October 2013

Think About It And Your Dreams Come True - The Science Of Getting Rich

By Sharon R. Upchurch

The "Law of attraction" states that "by focusing on positive or negative thoughts, one can bring about positive or negative results." Similarly when you believe in what you are pursuing, and you have something to remind you and to keep you on the track, you have greater chances of achieving the goal. The book "The Science of Getting Rich" by Wallace D. Wattles illustrates similar thought that when we truly believe in our desires and if we focus onto it completely, our beliefs will lead to that material benefit. In his preface and later chapters of the book, Wattles cited the "Monistic Hindu View" which states that "God perceives and can deliver everything that we focus on". In some way he included the "Law of Attraction" and stated that negative thoughts shall bring upon negative results.

Mr. Wattles refers to the systematic application of the principles or laws of becoming rich as "doing things in a certain way". He adds that once a person begins to think and act in "a certain way", that person will become rich. The "certain way" in which to think and act is fully explained in later chapters of the book.The first law Mr. Wattles cites is the Law of Cause and Effect, which states that like causes always produce like effects. If you swing your golf club in the same manner as a professional golf player, you will get the same results as he does, regardless of who you are. To quote "The Science of Getting Rich":

"What I want for myself, I want for everybody." -Jones of Toledo."Always speak in terms of advancement. Never allow yourself to feel disappointed. The failure is only apparent. It is really a great success." "Do what you ENJOY more. DESIRE is a manifestation of POWER." "Give the thought of INCREASE in your product/service and make sure that the customer is impressed with the same thought."

However, Mr. Wattles explains one by one why these factors are not the causes of achieving wealth. Getting rich is not a matter of environment; there are countless examples of people working in the same business and in the same neighborhood, but one fails and the other succeeds.If the environment were the cause of getting rich, everyone in the same state would be rich, while those in another state would all be poor. Although it is true that some environments or locations are more favorable than others, the environment is not the cause of getting rich.

Have complete control of your thoughts. Think true regardless of appearances. It doesn't matter what happens around you, if you are creating your own thoughts and beliefs, have faith that everything is good. There are only good things for you in the universe. When you have a thought, you create a powerful image in your mind. That thought/image creates a feeling and an emotion. If you send out negative vibes, you get negative results. If you send out positive vibes you get positive results.

The Law of Attraction (sometimes known as the Law of Vibration) and its relationship to wealth was documented by Wallace D. Wattles in the early 1900s in a book entitled, "The Science of Getting Rich." Wattles put forth the notion that, "The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way; those who do things in a certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich; while those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor."

Wattles' premise is that the foundation of doing things "a certain way" is to begin to think in a certain way. Thoughts, he writes, are a powerful creator of substance. In other words, like attracts like. If you think negatively, you will draw negative energy and experiences into your life; if you think positively, you will draw positive energy and experiences into your life.

Getting rich is a dream that most of us cherish and wish that it comes true. Just dreaming of getting rich is not good enough. There needs to be a certain endeavor from our end towards the goal that we have set for ourselves. One fact is for sure that one needs to be alert, smart and enterprising to earn the money and get rich. There have been plenty of books and guides that have been published over the years to help us achieve our dreams.

Wallace Wattles, author of "The Science of Getting Rich", says the first principle is thought. Thinking activates the "Formless Stuff" of the universe, to deliver the thought. Like exercise to the body, every thought contributes to the manifestation of the intended results. Also like exercise, results may not become apparent after the first attempt.Persistence is required to manifest thoughts. Faith during the appearance of failure is absolutely necessary. The action required to manifest results is impotent without absolute belief in efficacy of the process.

One of the most important principals that I strongly believe in and recommend is simple 'smart hard work'. Put in your heart and soul into wherever your talent and passion lies, smartly and the result will definitely be positive. Have faith in your self, have patience and persistence along with tremendous faith in God. Things are sure to fall into place.Do remember to be grateful to every one around you who have helped you achieve your goals of getting rich. Gratitude is another key word in moving towards your goal. Do remember to be grateful to your elders and most importantly to God.There are plenty of choices on your way to getting rich. But only you can choose the right one and follow your dreams of getting rich.

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