Friday 18 October 2013

Steps Towards Being A Humanitarian Charity

By Chasity Sheppard

Being a humanitarian charity involves being ready and there to assist others who may be victims of the various humanitarian crisis. During any crisis such as earth quakes, hunger or even war, the humanitarians are always called upon to step in assist the needy with the necessary assistance they may need. This article highlights on some of the procedures one needs to follow before becoming one.

One should get the necessary education before indulging on the act of humanitarianism. There are several laws which guide humanitarianisms. One should be taught on the provision of these international instruments as well as their application to us. Example of the international instruments may include the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, the International Convention n Civic and Political Rights as well as all the other conventions of the United Nations which talks about human right.

The next step is in regard to selecting an area to work on. Humanitarianism is a wide field which includes a lot of things. You should therefore decide on the area which is of your interest and start focusing on the area. It is not possible that you work with all the areas of humanitarianism.

The other thing to take note of is that humanitarianism involves a wide range of issues and areas. It is therefore important for those wishing to be one to choose one of the areas to handle depending on their interest. The work is always tough hence you need to settle for one which is of your interest and which you feel comfortable working on.

After selecting the area to work on, the other thing to consider is social responsibility. Being socially responsible is very fundamental to humanitarianism. It is the social responsibility cannot be separated from humanitarianism. All those aspiring to be humanitarians must be socially responsible in the first instance. Social responsibility involves being responsible for those who socially surround you and being ready to provide for their needs and also to listen to their problems and to take their problems as yours.

In order to effectively give humanitarian services, you should join an existing organization or even start one your own. This is because an organization can receive funding from various donors to help in the works which you are doing. Some of the funding you cannot get as an individual but you can easily get under the umbrella of humanitarian organization.

The importance of working with an organization is to enable one to get funding from the various donors in order to promote their humanitarian aids. People cannot be funded at individual level but the funding is given under an organization. Therefore partnering with the nongovernmental organizations or even starting one of your own will help you to promote the humanitarianism act you in order to give to the needy.

Skills are also necessary in this area of field. An individual needs to get acquainted with the necessary skills required to enable them work effectively. One may learn the skills by volunteering to work in already established organizations and also by reading widely in humanitarianism. The skills needed may include the skills on how to talk to the victims or even the advocacy skills to use in advocating for the plight of the needy. These are some of the procedures towards being a humanitarian charity.

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