Tuesday 15 October 2013

Natural Remedies To Treat Anxiety

By Kenneth L. Johnson

Here are some simple home remedies for anxiety that will help you calm those nervous symptoms. Contrary to what most people might think, mild anxiety can easily be treated at home with calming music and some ingredients out of the kitchen.Dietary Remedies,Orange. Just the smell of an orange is known to reduce anxiety. Just take the peels of the orange and drop them into a small pan. Cover them with water and let them simmer over the stove. The orange peel will release a fragrant calming oil as it simmers giving your home a comforting aroma. I like to heat orange peels during the winter months when we spend more time inside.

Let's take a look at a selection of herbs that are effective in healing many types of anxiety related symptoms.The most common symptoms of anxiety are,IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome),Heart palpitations,Emotional instability,Before you begin any treatment, it is best to examine your anxiety. There are different treatments for different symptoms. Understand your symptoms, and try these home remedies. Catnip.This is a unique remedy for anxiety. This is a member of the family of mints. It treats many anxiety symptoms, and is used to fix stomach cramps and irritation. It also reduces headache and insomnia. Plus, it betters appetite and eases muscle tension. All these are very common anxiety symptoms and this is why catnip is considered an effective anxiety treatment.

Herbal Remedies,Chamomile. Chamomile tea can calm the nerves and also helps with sleeping at night. It's easy to fix:Take on tablespoon of chamomile flowers and steep them in 1 cup of hot water for about 15 minutes.Breath in the aroma as as you're letting it cool.Strain it and drink when needed.

Kava kava.Also known as just Kava, this relieves moderate to severe anxieties. Its root cures many problems like insomnia, anxiety, and stress. Kava doesn't just relieve anxiety symptoms; it is also good if you have stressful feelings. But since kava might not be good for everyone, it is best to talk to your doctor before taking it. If you consume alcohol, are on some medication, or if you have liver problems, it is best to talk to your doctor before taking it.Hops.Yes, the same hops that are used in beer can now be used for your anxiety. You may not know, but hops have been used medically for many years. It is used to treat stress, headaches, and insomnia. Also beneficial for indigestion and nervousness, it helps in reducing fever as well. Hops are used to lower the uric acid level in the human body. They also treat infections and skin problems. If you have rheumatism, hops can give you some relief, though rheumatism is not related to anxiety.

Motherwort.The main use of motherwort is for the treatment of menstrual problems. But in many cases, it is also used by pregnant women to manage pregnancy tension, anxiety and stress. Though not recommended for the initial two trimesters, it is certainly considered effective in stimulating blood circulation without affecting the pulse rate. It also helps fight heart palpitations, high blood pressure, and it helps a person become calm without fatigue.Passionflower.It is kind-of like kava kava, except that it does not have any side effects. It is a safe treatment, and is used to cure moderate to mild anxieties. It is also useful for severe anxieties in some cases. It reduces insomnia and muscle tension, thereby calming your nerves and preventing agitation, headaches, hot flashes, and mood swings. But if you are using MAOIs, you should not take passionflower.

A natural remedy for anxiety can take many different forms from homeopathic solutions to learned breathing techniques. This article will offer you three simple solutions that you can try to cure your own anxiety naturally without needing to resort to taking prescription medications which are not only expensive, but sometimes come with some pretty nasty side effects. While there are many natural methods you can try, the three remedies below are known to be very effective and can be easily tried.

Saint John's Wort.It is not exactly for anxiety, but it is extremely effective for patients of depression. And since anxiety and depression symptoms are sometimes similar, it can be used for anxiety as well. St. John's Wort also serves as a helpful mood enhancer. Its medicinal properties help cure gastroenteritis, diarrhea, chest infections, and viral infections of genitals and lungs, etc.

Chew on This--Diet.Natural anxiety remedies come in many forms. Some of the best come in the form of fruits and vegetables. A healthy diet ensures that you are getting the nutrients needed for healthy brain and nervous system function. It also means that if you are eating healthy foods, you have less time to eat a steady diet of junk food, which can increase sluggishness.

Getting enough sleep is important for everyone, particularly if you are prone to having anxiety or panic attacks. Science has proven that there is a connection between having too little sleep and a higher incidence of anxiety. In searching for an anxiety attack remedy that works for you, one of the best things to put into place is a priority on getting enough sleep.Getting plenty of sleep helps to relax not only your body, but, also your brain - in terms of maintaining a good disposition and sense of contentment. People typically need 8 or 9 hours of sleep each day. In our modern, fast-paced society, it can be a challenge trying to get an adequate amount of sleep and rest.

Anxiety disorders (including panic attacks, intense fear, and anxiety related sleep disorders) affects 13% of the adult population worldwide, ages 18 to 54. You may have wondered specifically, how does sleep help with anxiety? The following are a few ways that having a good, restful sleep can help,reduced anxiety,more relaxed,increased confidence,greater feeling of balance and composure,better performance at work,study at a higher level in school,more energy while engaged in sports or other exercise,recover from long hours of work or play,refreshes the mind and body to function during the day,A lack of sleep cause you to feel impatient, agitated, and unable to concentrate. It can also negatively affect your emotions and memory. Over a lengthy period of time of poor sleep, you can develop heart disease, diabetes, obesity, and depression.In seeking an anxiety attack remedy, it becomes clear that having a satisfactory amount of sleep can minimize feelings of stress, anxiety, and panic in your daily life. It is always a good idea to start with a visit to your doctor and get a full medical checkup to rule out any causes of sleep problems.

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