Sunday 13 October 2013

Building Self Esteem For Women And Girls: Tap Into Your Feminine Power By Putting Your Needs First

By Gerda J. Worth

Does your self esteem wavor when you see apparently flawless females? Women and girls often get the brunt of air brushed media images. Does just looking at those perfect models make you want to sink even further into the proverbial bed?Or perhaps you avoid any media comparison, and yet still experience low self esteem from the messages you picked up in the family environment. Did your parents want a girl? did they value you? We're you an awkward teenager? Are you a stressed out mum that puts herself and her needs last? Are you a manager that let's her colleagues dump their extra workload on to her?

Ask your teen questions instead of giving orders or suggestions. Your teen is going through some major changes. Some of these changes are physical and some are emotional. When you ask someone to do something you are showing respect for them as a person.Try to find ways to treat teens as adults. Teens are not mature adults, but they are no longer little children either. One of the biggest complaints that young ladies have is their parents treat them as children. Maybe you can extend their curfew a bit or add other privileges. If you are interested in building self esteem in teenage girls, let them know that they are becoming young women.Maybe your young lady has problems with acne or her weight. Personal appearance is extremely important at this age. Let her know that you are there to help in any way. Schedule a doctor appointment, as sometimes this can help. In any manner, your teen needs to know that she can call on you for anything at anytime.Set a good example. Kids learn so much from watching their parents. If you think your teen has a problem with self esteem, she may have learned it from you. Think about how you conduct yourself around others. If you think that you have a low opinion of the person in your mirror, then maybe you should work on that first before helping your teen.

You cannot stop classmates from teasing your teenage girl. However, you can discuss the matter with her. If you think that your teen is being harassed it is important to do something about it. This kind of thing can wreak havoc with confidence at this age. Let your teen know that people with the most inner problems do the most teasing to draw attention away from themselves. This may not be the solution, but it may help her to understand others a little better. In any manner, take these matters seriously and seek out school officials if you must.If you are thinking about building self esteem in teenage girls, encourage them to write a diary or journal. Let them know that no one else will be reading it, and it is vital to respect their privacy. When a girl sits and writes about her problems, it provides an outlet for many frustrations. It also gives her a chance to come back later and closely examine her thoughts, desires, fears, and private feelings.Teach your teen the importance of confidence and not taking what others think too seriously. You cannot fix everything that is wrong with her. In fact, that is the last thing that she probably wants. She wants someone to love, care for, and understand her. She wants someone to be on her side no matter what. When building self esteem in teenage girls, this is something that you as a parent can do.

You may need to spend more time with your young lady. It does not have to cost a lot of money. Maybe you can walk together in the evenings. Walking is great exercise and it gives you the chance for some one on one conversation. Simply tell her that you need to start walking and you would like to have some company when you walk. Do not insinuate that the walking is for her benefit. Simply tell her that you need a walking buddy.When building self esteem in teenage girls try learning something new with her. Maybe you want to study a foreign language or learn how to play chess. The time together can be very therapeutic for both of you.

They become a teenager and now the real worries start with them going out with friends, on a date and more. Drugs and alcohol are everywhere and you hope you did a good job raising them and they will make the right decision. One are that we don't seem to worry about until a major situation arise before we worry about it is our teenagers suffering of Low Self Esteem.

As parents, we are so busy working 40-50 hours a week sometimes more that we don't always see the signs. Low self esteem among teenagers is huge and very troubling. Here's a few statistics that alarmed me extremely.Girls with low self esteem are more likely to have sex at a young age. 50% of girls interviewed said they had sex by the time in they were in 9th grade some even earlier. The good stat is that 75% of girls of aged 9 say they like the way they look. That number drastically goes down to 56% by the age of 12 and 13. BY the age of nine, 50% of girls say they have been on a diet or are on a diet. Do you know that 7 million girls and women have an eating disorder and that 20% of women are bulimic in America?

I see these challenges in my peers all the time. So, what is a major source of this low self-esteem? It's actually negative self-talk. That's right, we have found the "enemy" and that enemy is the "Mental Me". It is the voice in our head that is critical and always comparing and judging.It is also the voice that may have come from external "mean girls" that we encountered early in life. I managed to avoid a lot of external mean girl voices, as I grew up in an environment that cultivated my aggressive side, so most girls did not mess with me. However, I was my worse critic.

It is very important for you to work together with your daughter's teachers and mentors to help her become proud of her uniqueness, personality and strengths. If she receives mixed messages or regular discouraging criticism, it may result in confusion or an identity crisis.Secondly, support your daughter to master self-control and problem solving skills. It is critical that she learns the art of taking responsibility for the decisions she makes. She must be supported to be creative, empathic and courageous as she becomes independent and accountable for the choices she makes.

We are able to release this cellular memory and I'm so grateful to know how to do this for myself and to be able to teach my clients how to do the same. Having weaknesses and making mistakes is a part of the human experience. Weakness is just a challenge for you to evolve and grow stronger through.What you do is not the same as who you are. It's time to stop beating ourselves up and just see life as a process of unfolding. I'm like a beautiful garden, growing my various flowers of gifts and talents. This is just a new way for many to start to view the process of growth and development instead of judging self and others by some self-defeating paradigm. This paradigm's time has come to be evolved into extinction. "Survival of the fittest and lack" from a competitive, judging, lack conscious way, is outdated and is being replaced by "survival by adaptability" and abundance.Nurturing your Self and getting clear about a strong, powerful self-image and self-esteem, can give you the peace of mind, and ultimately health, happy relationships and business success that is at the heart of a life well lived. What do you think?

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