Monday 14 October 2013

A Simple Cure For Anxiety And Depression

By Dana B. Thompson

Our innate desire is to be happy, and when we move away from it, we experience fear.This fear is actually millions of years old, for it arises from the biological programming of our species.While we may not have to contend with a sabre-toothed tiger on any given day, we still use those very reactions to deal with events looming ahead.We think, "Will I be fired for making that mistake at work?" or "Will I be able to meet the mortgage after I fix the car?" or "Will my health continue to decline?" or "Will my relationship fall apart after that argument we just fell into?"Running questions with this type of urgency and helplessness trains our brains to prepare now for future danger by loading our bodies up with the stress hormone cortisol.Anxiety is our anticipation of a dangerous future. We imagine having even less of the little that we have today.

But you can treat anxiety without having to take these kinds of medicines, and in fact, many people successfully treat their anxiety and panic disorder by alternative therapies such from therapy to herbal roots and teas that are meant to calm the mind and body.Maybe you've heard of positive thinking before? It seems too simple to work, but does it have to be complicated? There are a lot of people who find a great deal of relief from symptoms of anxiety when they start looking at their problems a little bit differently.If you think about how you become anxious many times, you will see that it is the way you are thinking that triggers a panic episode. You think that every single thing that happens to you is having a negative effect on your life, and so it does.Having anxiety means that you spend every single minute analyzing every situation you are in, and seeing the worst that could happen. This is our mind's way of tricking us into changing the way that we live our life when we develop these anxiety disorders.

Caught between a miserable past and a frightening future you create a pattern of emotions that can lead to a variety of mood disorders, including manic-depression.How do we escape from this vicious cycle?Here is what I did 20 years ago and I have never since suffered from any serious mood disorder.I started to cultivate my awareness of my mood swings--from elation to black despair.I did this by basically watching myself when I was manic, and watching myself when I was depressed, and watching what I did to turn on these states. For example to get depressed, I used my love of literature to focus on dark, morbid, and unhappy stories about life. And to get elated, I would talk a lot, move very quickly, and do things in a dramatic way.

Grief Anxiety: Sometimes people experience symptoms in times of grieving or with emotional mood swings. If you've experienced a loss, disappointment or feel lonely your anxious feelings can manifest and sometimes be accompanied with abdominal cramps, back pain, and/or headaches. Ignatia Amara is a homeopathic remedy that can help with this type of anxiety.

There are various intensities of anxiety ranging from the mild natural anxiety felt when facing a new situation right up to the horror of a full-blown panic attack. People suffering from emotional pain will tell you that they would far rather suffer a physical pain than the agony of anxiety or depression. Symptoms of anxiety can include rapid heartbeat and breathing, shaking, nausea, sweating, muffled hearing, feeling faint, great fear, desire to escape. People who suffer panic attacks will tell you that the sensation of panic can be so dramatic they feel as if they are going to die.

Anxiety is always a response to immediate or future anticipated events. The symptoms of anxiety are created by our natural 'fight or flight' response. We see or anticipate danger, our body then reacts by ensuring we are physically ready to fight or flee. This response is healthy when we are faced with a hungry lion in our back garden but that doesn't happen very often in our society. Most of our anxieties are about everyday occurrences that do not require physical strength to fight, or agility to run. We may have anxiety in social gatherings, or when we are required to do a presentation. Neither of these activities requires us to fight or flee so we are just left with the uncomfortable feeling produced by our fight or flight response making us want to flee!

What are the main co-morbid disorders? The first one is anxiety and depression. The second most common one is oppositional defiance disorder (ODD) followed closely by OCD. The latter stands for obsessive compulsive disorder.Actually, OCD is very closely related to anxiety because this is where the child becomes over anxious about things that may harm, frighten or dirty his environment. He becomes obsessed with these and will perform repetitive rituals or compulsions in order to protect himself from these. Somebody has appropriately called this disorder an overactive alarm system.

Psychology-Based Anxiety Treatment.There are two main psychological anxiety treatments. These are the Cognitive behavioral treatment and the applied relaxation treatment.Cognitive Behavioral treatment - Many people have benefited from this type of therapy because it aims to help people suffering from anxiety disorders identify the behavioral patterns as well as strong unrealistic beliefs that they have and then try to face them and change them into more acceptable behaviors and beliefs.

It seems that psychostimulants are not really the best way of treating anxiety and ADHD. One solution is to take a closer look at homeopathic remedies for anxiety and ADHD. The main ingredients used in a lot of the preparations are aimed at calming the child down which immediately leads to fewer worries. Then they are also effective at helping the child to relax, to focus better and also the child will be much less reckless and impulsive.

The ingredients used are those famous ones such as hyoscyamus, arsen iod and tuberculinum. The great thing about these remedies is that there are no side effects so that sleep problems and eating disorders just do not exist. That is such a relief for many parents. There are no health risks or long term doubts about what these reparations are doing to the developing child's brain.

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