Wednesday 4 September 2013

What To Text A Girl You Like If You Haven't Texted Her Before

By Masha Kuilboer

If you want to learn what to text a girl you like, then you should start by avoiding marathon texting altogether. If you marathon text a girl, you will get rid of all of the mystery that girls love and become too predictable. In other words, you will become boring and annoying. Ideally, you should save the good stuff for your conversations in person. Texting is only there to help keep a girl's interest and make sure she thinks about you on a daily basis.

While learning what to text a girl you like, it would also be important not to set a pattern that she will be able to predict. If you text her a good morning message everyday, then she will start expecting it and she may either lose interest or get angry when you forget to send a good morning message one day. In other words, a set routine will simply set you up for failure down the line.

Try to keep your texts short and concise. The impression you are trying to sub-communicate is that you are a busy guy who almost don't have time to text her.She is use to guys asking her all kinds of generic questions so you definitely don't want to come off as just another guy. Plus too many questions are annoying. Instead, phrase your questions in a more interesting way.

Here is a story about some friends of mine. David and Christine had gone on several dates within the last few months and David always made it a point to send her text messages every morning. Sometimes, Christine would reply to his texts, but sometimes, she would not. David would also text her about his day and ask how hers went, but Christine hardly ever showed much enthusiasm.

This is very important to remember, too: not all girls like to text. As a matter of fact, a lot of girls prefer talking over the phone over text messages. As such, you have to find out your girl's preferences in terms of communication before learning what to text a girl you like. To do this, just be straightforward about it and ask her something like, "Do you prefer talking or texting?" This would be the easiest way to find out how she likes to communicate, in general.

Getting your 'text game' right is crucial to progress the interaction between you and a girl you like. One dodgy joke she doesn't get or an accidental demonstration of 'neediness' and you find yourself starring at your phone all day wondering why she hasn't replied. Sound familiar? Then of course, you make the mistake of texting back straight away readily accepting her lame apology of "Sorry I haven't replied, haven't checked my phone all day"... yeah right! If you're struggling to figure out 'what to text a girl', you shouldn't forget to figure out 'how to text a girl'. Let's deal with both of these issues...

Sure, you've been a Casanova at getting numbers, but have you actually gone around to turning any of them to dates? If you've been having trouble with that next step, then here are some fresh ideas on what to text a girl:

Ideally, you want to text her something she can't help but reply to. Don't forget, your texts must match your purpose. For example, if you're looking to demonstrate your high value, you can send something along the lines of "I just made you check your phone for no reason!... Looks like I've got you in check:)" This kind of message portrays confidence, a bit of cocky-funny, and that you're up for having a joke with her and teasing her.

One of the worst mistakes a guy could make is making the girl wait, especially if you have just met the girl and have not built much of a connection with her yet. This is because it will be too easy for her to forget about you and move to the next person. So, while her memory of you is still fresh, you have to send a fun text down her way. Yes, you can even text her on the night you just met. If you don't know what to text a girl yet, try something like, "It was nice to meet you! I really had a good time with you." This will make a good first impression!

You may like a girl and you may have the urge to text her every minute-don't. You will look too needy and she might just stop replying after the first few polite responses. While it would be nice to have a guaranteed long conversation with her, this is not the way to go. Just text as she responds. If she doesn't respond right away, don't panic. Wait it out for a few days, and then text her again.Now that's settled, everything is up to you. Take these tips on what to text a girl and compose the first text, so that you'll finally be able to turn those numbers into actual dates.

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