Monday 2 September 2013

Many Men Are Taking On The Role Of Male Wives

By Gloria Mason

Marriage has been a holy ceremony reserved for man and woman for many generations. The man would have the responsibility of providing for his family, and the woman took on the responsibility of taking care of the home. As time has passed though, many of these traditional roles have changed. Many men have taken on the role of male wives and are perfectly fine with the arrangement.

Many people will have the opinion that a man should be a good husband by earning money to provide for his family. They will also state that the woman should be a good wife by keeping the house clean, cooking for her family and taking care of the children. These roles have been going on for many generations, but we have started to see a change in some marriages.

Many women do not want to take on the traditional role of being a housewife. They want to get out into the work field and have a career of their own. They want to have children, but they don't want it to stop them from working. For these type of women, marrying a man who will accept the role of being a male wife is the perfect solution.

There are some men who like taking care of the household and letting their spouse work. They will take care of the kids, cook for the household, clean up the house and do other wifely duties. Also, they will make sure to take care of their spouses needs when they get home from work.

In some countries, legislation has taken the term male wife a whole lot further. This applies to those who live in a place where same sex marriage is recognized. They have noted that the term wife can legally be legally attributed to both a male or female. The title of husband can also legally be attributed to a male or female.

Some may think that all of this can get confusing to people. Most think that when two gay men get married, they will call each other husband and that lesbian couples will call each other wife. This is certainly the case sometimes if that is what they prefer. For those who would like a different title though, they are happy that it can be legally recognized.

Some people disagree with the legalization of this and will never stop arguing against it. They believe that a man is the husband and the woman is the wife. They feel that all of this is just making things too complicated for people. Usually, these people are against same sex marriage alone.

Although, it may not be accepted by lots of people and may remain controversial in the future, male wives will no doubt multiply in society. Whether it is a same sex couple or straight couple who reverses roles, the role that each person plays in the relationship will be up to the two individuals. If they are both alright with it, they can live a long loving life together and call themselves whatever they please.

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