Monday 26 August 2013

The Prerequisites To Picking Up Women

By J. Ryu

The first and most important step in Picking Up women is the cold approach. The cold approach, To most men, is probably the most nerve shattering thing you can do, more so than even public speaking. This is beyond our comfort zone and requires a different form of courage than wrestling crocodiles or jumping out of planes.

Bad news is that the cold approach is one of the most nerve shattering and uncomfortable things you can do. Worse, if somehow you work up the courage to awkwardly approach a hottie, the subsequent stare, snicker, and rejection will completely devastate your ego and will to live.

Good news is this approach anxiety can be minimized and conquered through practice. With enough repetition, even the pain of rejection will start to lessen until eventually, you won't get rejected at all.

Approaching Women: The Prerequisites

1) Confidence

The most important element to seducing women that all relationship gurus, seduction experts, and pickup artists agree on is confidence. The biggest quality that attracts a woman to a man is not how he looks, his dashing personality, or even heaps of cash, it is confidence.

A man with money, power, and self-esteem will naturally be confident. So if a man appears confident, it is implicitly implied that he has power, money, and self-esteem. It is this assumption of money, power, and self-esteem that attracts a woman to a man, not the reality of the man's situation. How will the woman know a man's situation besides the way you come off to her?

First prerequisite to approaching a woman is to build confidence, confidence, and more confidence.

2) Grooming

If you look like a slob, groom like a slob, and dress like a slob, then you will feel like a slob, act like a slob, and be generally unattractive to women. Any man, with proper fashion, grooming, exercise, and effort can be presentable. Just like if an average looking woman takes care of herself really well, like in those makeover shows, the effect is dramatic.

This includes deodorant, showers, shaving, laundry, shopping, haircuts, polishing, gym time, and most of all, effort. There is a certain magic to looking good. If you look your best, you feel good. And if you feel good, then you feel confident. If you're confident, you give out a special something that makes you very attractive.

This doesn't just apply to when you're on a date either. Always look good because you don't know when the opportunity will present itself.

"Luck is what happens when preparation meets opportunity." - Lucius Annaeus Seneca

3) Communication Skills

You managed to approach a girl and strike up a conversation without getting slapped or laughed away. You guys are talking and laughing and having a good time when all of a sudden, you run out of things to say. She looks at you expectantly, then disappointedly, then disinterestedly, then dismissively. Game over.

The attraction game is like a sales pitch, you have a limited amount of time to sell yourself, and if you don't make a good pitch in that time, then you don't make the sale and you go home alone. Even if you don't have the gift for blabbery, you can learn this crucial skill.

However you cannot take a magic tablet to magically acquire this ability, it takes effort and constant practice. If you're an introvert and don't really enjoy talking with strangers, you simply should learn to "turn it on" when the circumstance requires it.

Practice striking up innocent talks with arbitrary people throughout the day and this will build your self-confidence for when it actually matters.

4) Body Language

55% of communication is visual which means that over half of what we say to others, we say with our body. Even when you're saying something, the body can be communicating something else.

Knowledge of body language is critical because women have a strong sense of intuition, what we refer to as a BS meter. So if your words are badass but your body is saying you're scared, women will pick up on that and game over.

Someone versed in body language can observe a man trying to pick up a woman and predict whether he's going to be successful or not. He can also gauge the interest level of the woman and the actual quality of the man.

This is a great deal of information and a whole lot of skills to master, yet like any kind of skill, it will take practice and effort. And like any relevant ability, there is no shortcuts, the journey is hard, yet the rewards are excellent.

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