Thursday 29 August 2013

How To Text A Girl You Like

By Nathaniel Ferguson

One of the most important parts of how to text a girl you like is to know when and how often to text her. So, in this article, I'm going to be answering the questions, "How often should you text a girl?", "When to text a girl you just met?" and, "What to do when a woman doesn't respond to your text?"First off, let me just say that I know how easy it can be to get all worked up about texting a girl, especially a girl you really like. You get really excited and want to text her every chance you get.The problem is by being so invested in her you are already on a fast track to needy behavior and this will only push her away. It's important to have the right mindset so that you can keep you cool.

With that being said, the key to texting a girl is not to over do it. You don't want to be texting her all day, everyday. Even if she text you back every single time, it still lowers your value and make it seem like you have nothing better going on in your life.Now I'm not saying that you should never reply to a girls text right way. You can. Just mix it up a little bit and keep it unpredictable. Sometime wait 10 minutes. Sometime wait an hour. And sometime just leave her hanging.That's right. When ever possible, you should let her have the last word in the conversation by not replying to her text. By doing this you leave and open loop in her mind and it gets her thinking about you, wondering if you'll text back.

If you already have a presence or personality particularly if you are in college on campus you can use this one a lot more and without discretion, just make sure the things you are texting are cool and sound fun otherwise you will be considered social spam - just made that up.

Another thing that can set you apart from everyone else is conveying fun. If you manage to get her out of the boredom of the day, you will certainly win points. What's more, she'll be anxious to go out with you, because she will know you can make her enjoy herself. Too often, creating a certain emotion in a woman is underrated. But that is how women work: on emotions. So, if you keep that in mind you will have another advantage on all the other (possible) guys.

A text conversation is not the same as an actual conversation. In a text you should only put the essential information, cut the formalities and jump straight into an interesting topic. The point of text messaging is not to get to know each other. The point is to reveal just enough to get the other person curious and interested to find out the rest about you in person. So, don't try to impress a girl with a long, dry, logical text. She will most likely not fall for it. Because most girls find logic the opposite of attraction. Remember what I said: spark her curiosity gradually and reveal the rest in person. After a few texts, you should suggest a meet-up.

Use this one sparingly as well but one thing you can do is use words like come and get off in a subtle (not sure what he means way) If she mentions it in a sexual way say back to her in a PLAYFUL way that she should really get her mind out of the gutter.The cellular phone is one of the most popular devices these days. With its portable nature, any one can carry it all the time regardless of where they are going. Young kids, students, teens, and professionals usually carry mobile phones everyday. This is an excellent way to stay connected but did you know that you can also use it for generating dates?

You have two options to get the cell phone number - ask her yourself or you ask her friends. The latter can be creepy and unless she has a crush on you, there is a high chance that she might not reply to your test messages or even your calls. It would be a smooth and cool move to ask for her number personally. If she gives you her number, there is hope that she's interested as well. Now, she has a reason to expect for your texts and you will not be intruding her privacy.

Not over doing your text messages is important. You don't want to overwhelm her with too many texts or she'll get tired of them and you'll blow it. Most girls like guys who are not desperate, so you don't want to seem needy.Sending her a humorous text will help when trying to connect. You need to know some special tricks for humor which are covered in the eBook below.

You have to wait. Being patient is very important. You can send her flirtatious text messages but don't overdo it. The text will inform her that you're thinking about her every now and then. Don't expect an immediate response. You're lucky if you can get an instant reply and this can be an indication that she likes you. Here's another example - if you text her that you're going to call at a certain time, postpone it for another day. When you call, she'd be dying to speak with you. If she asks you why you were not able to call the other day like you promised, tell her that something important came up. Don't treat her like a queen yet; making her long for your voice or your text is quite effective.

Find out what will work for the girl - a text message or phone call. Old fashioned girls usually prefer men who call them up over the phone rather than receiving a text. Try to observe her and if she's texting most of the time, this can be a great tool to get a date.Making a good first impression is vital. What are the things that interest her? If you got her number by asking it personally, you'll know what to say. You can ask her directly for a date or you can request for her to accompany you on a certain event or activity. On your first text message, don't forget to inform her who you area or where you've met her.

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