Sunday 25 August 2013

How To Become Attractive To Women: The Compliance Test

By J. Ryu

If you talk to any number of super hot girls and approach them, you will start to see the same SOP over and over again - she is going to test you. If you fail these tests, game over. You will join the piles of men she's had to reject because they weren't confident enough. The good news is, there is a way to pass these tests nearly 100% of the time and become attractive to women.

These hot girls' tests suffice to make the baddest dudes throw up and run away with their tails between their legs. Nonetheless, if you know the techniques to passing, you are going to be in the minority of guys who make it through her defenses and essentially become a sexual prospect. You will fail these tests and never ever become attractive to women and reap the consequent benefits if you do not know these secret techniques.

These tests can be one of 2 types: congruence tests or compliance tests. Today, we are talking about compliance tests. A compliance test is an act or a statement that checks to see if you are going to do whatever she tells you to do. If you comply, she will have gained control over the discussion, the interaction, and you. It appears they would like you to fail these tests so they have control, right?

That is not the case. When girls give you compliance tests, they really do want you to pass them. It is their method of filtering out a genuinely confident, appealing guy from the field of losers. A really attractive woman will get hit on 10-15 times A day. That's 300 times a month that a desirable girl is hit on. She will start to see patterns in the ways men behave if they are in fact confident or not, that has nothing to do with looks.

The compliance test is really a test to see whether or not they're going to be able to get away with whatever they want. Why would they want to test this? Well, they want to find out whether or not you're used to beautiful women hitting on you or whether or not you're used to being with beautiful women.

This is a vital idea. You will not bend over backwards for a gorgeous girl simply because she desires something, if you are accustomed to being with pretty women. Rather, you will respond in a manner that makes her comply to you. Gorgeous women will give you compliance tests and if you fail the compliance tests, you are guaranteed not to become attractive to them. It's very essential that you learn this.

How do you recognize compliance tests? Basically, look for any demand or command that she gives you within a short amount of time of meeting that seems small, but gets you to follow. One very classic compliance test is "buy me a drink." Women go for the jugular here when you're in the bar because they don't have a whole lot of time to figure out who is attractive and confident, and who is not. How you respond to "buy me a drink" is critical when you're in a bar.

There are various other small things like "why don't you wait here while I go to the bathroom." or "give me a kiss on the cheek " or even "will you take a pic for us?" Anything that seems kind of harmless is typically a compliance test particularly if it's from a truly hot girl. The secret method is simply that you don't want to give in to or flat out reject the demand, what you want to do is take control over it and include your own terms.

For example, if the woman says, "Take our pictures." You will say, "all right, I will but I want you to take one picture for you and one picture of how I ask you to take it." If they refused to do this, you say, "Alright, we'll find some other guy." You will actually find some other guy to take the camera and say, "Hey man, can you take their picture?" And you simply have them take your pic.

Usually they will say okay fine, then you take the picture and you say "fine, now I want you to give me a hot pose." Then take their pic. "Okay now, make a funyy face", take a pic. And continue to make them do different looks as long as you can think of them.

Essentially what you're doing now is you are getting compliance from them. This is crucial. This is called flipping the script and you will hear a lot about this. Flipping the script is one of the most powerful things that you can do to a woman that will create a massive amount of intrigue and attraction.

So from now on, know and identify when women are giving you a compliance test. Do not say yes like a puppy and don't reject it like a jerk. Add your very own terms. You are going to see the hot women in the bar beginning to treat you in a totally different manner when you begin doing this.

You can actually watch other guys approach, get shot down and see it ruin their nights as you can easily navigate the sea of compliance tests and come out looking like a superstar, making you become attractive to them since you're the kind of guy who won't just do exactly what she wants.

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