Wednesday 28 August 2013

A Factual Analysis Of Six Health Benefits Of Acupuncture

By Jason Miller

Many people are today recognizing the health benefits of alternative medical therapy. However, as there are many confidence tricksters out there, you should seek for reliable information before opting for any of these alternatives. This guide contains some proven health benefits of acupuncture treatment.

The fact that acupuncturists are adept at helping patients experiencing chronic pain deal with their woes needs no belaboring. Patients who have unsuccessfully tried to get rid of persistent pain using traditional medication almost always find the method much more effective as soon as they try it. This applies especially for those suffering from arthritis.

The effectiveness of acupuncture in treating back pain deserves a special mention in this instance. While some patients report that there was little difference on their first visit to the acupuncturists, your next visit is certain to yield better results than the last. Indeed, it may be all you need to go back to a life of painless bliss.

Some insightful findings have also come to light in recent years with respect to the effectiveness of the method in increasing of certain medication. The most publicized of these studies showed that patients with depression who combined acupuncture-therapy with their anti-anxiety treatment needed less dosage. Considering that those patients also experienced mild or no side effects of Prozac (which range from nausea, accelerated weight gain to lack of sex drive) the advantages are clear for all to see.

Some other studies have been carried out to establish if there are any benefits to alleviating heartburn and indigestion. One study, carried out in Brazil, focused on a group of expectant mothers who often complain of such tummy problems. A group of the women who were given acupuncture therapy alongside their normal medication showed much improvement in incidences of heartburn compared to those who used medication and a change of diet.

Cancer patients undergoing a course of radiotherapy treatment report some debilitating side effects, depending on severity of the condition as well as part of the body affected. For those whose therapy is being applied on the upper trunk and the neck area there are often complaints of a dry mouth and they frequently become violently sick. It has been shown that patients who wore an acupressure band after such sessions perceived that such side effects were much milder than without the band.

Much has been made of how acupuncture can help end obesity. Indeed, there has been a series of studies which have seemed to validate the efficacy of the method in weight loss while others have thrown cold water on such findings. In the final analysis, the truth lies somewhere between the two extremes: if you combine acupuncture with regular exercise and diet programs, you are likely to lose more weight than those who do not.

As has been outlined in the six different scenarios examined above, there is definitely more to acupuncture than meets the eye. An innumerable number of studies have been carried out to establish some of the fantastic claims about the efficacy, or lack thereof, when it comes to a number of medical conditions and ailments. The evidence is all out for everyone to see that this method suffices in both treatment as well as in alleviating some debilitating side effects of certain drugs and traditional therapeutic methods.

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