Friday 12 July 2013

Tips To Help You Change Your Life For The Better

By Dana B. Thompson

As a bestselling Author and inspirational Speaker, I wrote this report for you because I was in the same place with the same questions. All the questions raised above and all the methodologies and concepts mentioned are things that I asked myself and applied in my own life, and yet I remained trying, struggling, striving to find my joy.No matter what you gain and gather and accumulate in the material world, sometimes it is not enough to fill the void inside of you. Going inside of yourself is the answer to finding your happiness. And yet, it is the one place we often run from. It was not until I discovered the missing key, the holy grail, that my life transformed forever.I had diligently applied teachings such as mind power, positive thinking and the universal Law of Attraction in my own life, but was still failing to keep myself fully aligned to my goals/dreams at all times, feeling lost and confused about why I couldn't 'find' happiness, but then I made a groundbreaking discovery.I found the one thing that no one had told me. I found the one thing that is not written about anywhere. Not only did I find that 'thing' but I also investigated it, researched it, interpreted it, and lived it for 18 months, documenting the evidence every single day. The result? I changed my life, found happiness and joy, transformed and then started sharing my groundbreaking story in books and articles. Here is what I learnt:

Habits are those familiar and automated actions resulted from learning processes.Any task or action we learn how to do and then perform repeatedly transforms into a habit. This is the mechanism through which we get used to do a lot of (good or bad!) things like: walking, cycling, reading, witting, driving a car, using the computer, smoking, watching TV, drinking coffee, hanging on forums or Facebook, etc.

Among all the actions we perform on a daily basis, good habits are those having favorable influence on our lives, while bad habits are the actions resulting in negative outcomes for us and for people close to us as well. Bad habits are usually called addictions.But let me make a distinction here. Letting addictions aside, we can further split all our daily habits in habits which add in our personal development and habits which are just wasting our time.Think a little bit of everything you do daily. What are you doing every morning, then during the time you spend at the office, and when you're back home in the evening?

Exercise.Yes, exercise. The human body is connected to the human mind and the two are inseparable. One affects the other and it is necessary that we take care of each of them.Many people do not exercise because they do not like to sweat. We can still exercise without sweating.Begin getting fit slowly. There is no need to go all-out from the beginning and that is not recommended anyway. Begin by taking a slow walk through the neighborhood or go to a large shopping mall and just stroll through it. Take your time - there is no hurry.

Have you ever thought about changing something in your life such as starting a new career, learning a foreign language or getting more fit? Maybe you have even attempted to do new things or change old behavior patterns, but your enthusiasm didn't last too long. And you gave up.It happened because habits are actions we make unconsciously. We just feel like we need to do a certain thing without asking ourselves why we have to or what is in it for us.

There are important changes in our lives that compel us to modify at least a part of our habits. This arrives for instance when we finish school and start working or when we get married, or leave our parents' home and move in our own place. In all these cases, we cut sharply the connection with an old familiar environment and have to adapt to a new one. When we feel at ease in our new environment, it means that the new habits are installed.

Sit down with a pen and paper and think of all the good things that have happened to you in your life. Write them down. Create your list of things to be thankful for. Remember those times when you were happy and cheerful. Consider how you can make those things happen more often in your life.Although you may not want to, make a list of the bad things that have happened in your life too. Consider what caused those things to happen and how you can avoid that happening again.Make time to get enough sleep.In this hurried world many people do not get enough sleep. Our jobs may require more and more of our time, traffic prevents us from getting home in a timely manner, people make small demands on your time which add up to several hours, children act up and take up more of your time (but you should be thankful for your children - they are blessings!), there are many causes for why we do not 'hit the sack' when we know we should.

Secondly, through a step by step process, we are going to start making the desired changes.It is very important to not overdue. Don't start with more than one habit and, at the beginning, my advice is to perform the new action for short time spans, then increase the time gradually. Once you have the first habit installed (it will probably take 1-2 months), introduce a new one. Making small steps every day is the best way to succeed.

Make a plan.Skyscrapers are never built unless a plan has been prepared first. Your life is no different. A plan will help you set goals and goals are important. If you don't know where you are going you could end up going where you never wanted to go, so make a plan.There are short-term plans as well as long-term plans and you should make both.Begin with a short-term plan. What do you want to do tomorrow? Where do you want to go and how will you get there? What do you want to accomplish while you are there and why? Making such a plan will give you cause to think about things you have not considered? What do you want to do next week? Make a plan for the entire week, not just one day of the week.What about next month? What do you want to accomplish next month? Having a better idea will help you make the time to do that and you will begin to make better use of your time.Work your way up to a one-year plan. Where do you want to be one year from today? Why do you want to be there? How will you get there?The answer is one day at a time.

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