Wednesday 10 July 2013

The Science Of Getting Rich - Fact Or Fiction?

By Miel Meester

The Science of Getting Rich, by Wallace Wattles - sounds amusing doesn't it?Rhonda Byrne states that this publication was one of the major inspirations for her hit film and book, The Secret.I have to admit that I sometimes find it difficult to wrap my head around the Law of Attraction. I want to understand, but some of the explanations of this material are so convoluted I am made to feel like a dog chasing its tail,Wattles states in the preface to his book: "This book is pragmatical, not philosophical; a practical manual, not a treatise upon theories. It is intended for the men and women whose most pressing need is for money; who wish to get rich first, and philosophize afterward."

Some find it helpful to use words like: "cancel, cancel" as many times as necessary to cancel those conflicting thoughts. Cancel conflicting thoughts, then bring your focus back again to the vision that you have established. It is necessary to keep your mind in the NOW. Record the ideas that come from the visions.

Begin to take action: The vision is formed and nurtured, and your mind is focused on the now. This will begin to drive your actions; it will stimulate you to your best. But this is only the beginning. Out of the "Thinking Substance" which "permeates" the universe and which makes up everything will come ideas and plans. These will bubble into your consciousness and lead you to specific actions that will move you to the fulfillment of your vision. Recall the quote we began with: "By thought, the thing you want is brought to you; by action you receive it." These ideas and plans are the specific actions for you're to receive the thing that is brought to you. Again from chapter 12 of "The Science of Getting Rich:"

Whatever your action is to be, it is evident that you must act NOW. You cannot act in the past, and it is essential to the clearness of your mental vision that you dismiss the past from your mind. You cannot act in the future, for the future is not here yet.Hold with faith and purpose the vision of yourself in the better environment, but act upon your present environment with all your heart, and with all your strength, and with all your mind. As you begin to live life this way you will find new energy and joy. The visions are expressions of your soul and will form into actions and then into physical reality.

As you can see, there is an elegant simplicity to the science of getting rich principles Wattles describes in his book. Those who have learned to master these principles have achieved remarkable life abundance and success.You've got information overload when you know the names, and can quote, Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, Esther Hicks, Bob Procter, Brian Tracy, Napoleon Hill, Norman Vincent Peale, Dale Carnegie, Jack Canfield, Rhonda Byrne and a thousand others.You've literally read the book, seen the film and bought the T-Shirt but has it really altered your life for the better? Or rather, has it really altered your life dramatically for the better? Sure, now your thought process is more focused, sharper, more streamlined and permits you to resolve problems quicker, faster and better. These days you always maintain a positive image in your mind and you always read your goals out aloud before bedtime but what has been the overall net benefit? Not really sure?

Too many cooks have spoilt this broth and we have all gorged on this 'self-help motivational' banquet but in the end we just got mentally fatter rather than intellectually fitter. We got too much information and we got paralysed! We tried everything and got nowhere. We baked a cake that had a bit of Tony Robbins, a hint of Jack Canfield and Bob Procter all drizzled with generous amounts of Rhonda Byrne. The cake was a failure, it didn't rise, it was half-baked! Sound familiar? Know what I mean?

Hypnosis is a technique for influencing your mind by suggestion. Create positive suggestions and build a positive frame of mind. Repeat these suggestions over time and you will move from wherever you are into the frame of mind required to use the law of attraction. You will not only overcome but you will eliminate negative thought patterns that have sabotaged you up to this point. This is the general use of hypnosis.

A friend of mine suggested I read The Science Of Getting Rich by New Thought writer Wallace Wattles. She explained that this book had inspired Rhonda Byrne and the makers of the film The Secret and it's accompanying book, coincidentally also called The Secret! She's a smart girl and if she said it's so, it's good enough for me... and Rhonda Byrne has since confirmed this to Oprah.I knew of Wallace Wattles but had never read The Science Of Getting Rich. I regret that now. Ironically, I already had this book in my possession. It had been lying in my vast digital library collecting cyber dust.My mom always said to me 'Think happy, else your worst fears will always happen'. She was telling me exactly what the motivational leaders and personal development cadre write about today. That whatever you think about most will happen, that your dominant thinking creates your physical reality.Wattles wrote about this phenomena in 1910! Today in the 2010's a thousand business gurus, new-ageists, Jedi Masters and self-improvement ninjas throw this line at you all day long. Wattles exposed this 'secret' over a hundred years ago!Wattles writes directly AT you and pulls no punches. He doesn't hide behind phrases or rhymes or sound bites. He says it like it is, his words are crystal and he spells it out repeatedly so you get the message.

Chapter 2 is called, "There Is A Science of Getting Rich." In this chapter we learn that getting rich is achieved by doing things in a "certain way." Our suggestion reinforces this in our mind causing us to embrace the belief and make it our own. And further, we need not have material wealth to achieve wealth; we need only do things in a "certain way." This becomes real as we reinforce it using affirmations and hypnosis.So we continue through the book creating affirmations and suggestions for each chapter to make the book a part of our very being so that we don't just approach it with head knowledge but with a deep understanding because it has become a part of us. Success follows this simple method as you move from chapter to chapter enhancing the words and their effects on your being. You will naturally be happy, naturally be positive, naturally be thankful and this is at the core of applying the law of attraction.

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