Wednesday 17 July 2013

How To Quit Porn Addiction

By Roxanna Dolfing

In this article I'm going to talk to you about how to quit porn.Some men don't ever watch porn.Most men have a relatively healthy relationship with porn, watching it every now and then but certainly not becoming obsessed with it and always preferring the 'real thing'.THE REAL THING being -- sex with a woman.However, there are some men (and since you're reading, this is probably you) who become a little too fond of porn and end up watching it every day, often more than once.[]

Porn addiction wasn't such a big problem until the internet came to place and skyrocketed pornography exposure and its accessibility. Now with over millions of websites available at your finger tips, it is becoming much easier to browse porn and for some, it's becoming a growing concern and more people are looking for ways to quit this addiction.For most, it start at an early age. 11 years old is usually the age for the average male being exposed for the first time to pornography. This rapidly becomes a habit for many and some don't feel the need to quit. As it starts to become more and more of a routine thing, they grow tired of the usual soft/mild porn and start to look into more explicit material.

As a result, this habit becomes an addiction and unfortunately, leaving it just became a big problem for many as they simply feel overwhelmed by the desire to feed their sexual needs with pornography hence the reason some are starting to look into ways to quit porn addiction.One needs to quit this unhealthy addiction because the negative effects are quite surprising. It can desensitize someone and give them a wrong perspective of how things really are. Someone who has a porn addiction can start to view people as sexual objects rather and human beings. This can lead to serious psychological problems and can also lower that person's self-esteem. They will find themselves using pornography every time instead of trying to get to know a person they might be interested in. It can also lead to the use of prostitutes, going out to strip clubs, doing one night stands and can also lead to break ups and divorces in couples.

Is it even possible to quit porn addiction? Yes, it most certainly is. Many sufferers have quit their porn addiction and never looked back. The successful stories of leaving this twisted sexual behavior behind, usually comes from people who have sought help to understand what the root of the problem was. They have learned how to replace the brain circuits responsible for their sexual dependence with new ones and succeeded in quitting their porn addiction forever.Since the internet has become more and more available, pornography is also something that increased in exposure. It is starting to become more problematic for many people and a lot of them are trying to find a way how to quit porn. There are a lot of valid reasons why one would want to.

As such, finding the proper guide online on how to quit porn addiction is a better choice for anyone. You can learn how to do so and still remain completely anonymous and not let anyone know that you had this kind of trouble. There aren't too many guides out their because this problem is something most people often overlook and don't think there is any such guide that can help them quit. However, there are still some very good ones around that will help you overcome you addiction.

These powerful natural drugs are what give an individual and very strong desire and drive for sexual activities. As much as they can have a very positive effect on a couple, it can also lead to a strong addiction to pornography. To the brain, both are the same.The Harmful Effects Of Pornography.Now if you seriously want to learn how to quit porn, chances are, you are probably feeling all the negative effects of it. Most people who are dependent of it start to have side-effects such as starting to have a very strong porn addiction, desensitization, sexual mis-education since it portrays the wrong view of what sex really is and they getting used to very hardcore, violent sexual acts. All of these leads to acts such as masturbation.

Most of what use to look very disturbing and violent becomes more and more accepted since it starts to satisfy their sexual needs. Also, since this is also affecting people who are in couples, it can have a very bad effect on them which can lead to break ups and divorces.Porn addiction cannot be defeated only by willpower. Just like other addictions, it needs to be treated. There are some very good guides and courses on how to quit porn. However, most people do not want to join these courses locally simply because they are ashamed and rather stay anonymous.The best way to learn how to quit porn is by looking at a good guide available here online. There are many good ones such as this guide. You can stay completely anonymous without anyone knowing about your addiction to pornography and you can finish this once and for all. Don't wait until it's too late, act now.

You have to understand leaving it isn't that simple. Just like other additions, it needs treatment. Now there are many ways you can learn how to stop porn addiction whether it be by joining a local services or club or simply finding a good guide online. The most preferred method is usually by getting it online because you can remain anonymous and still learn how to stop porn addiction.Is willpower enough to be able to leave porn addiction behind for good? I will not say that willpower is not something that couldn't help you quit your sexual addiction, whether it's watching porn on the internet, masturbating or cruising to find prostitutes, however, it's a fact that willpower alone won't work for most people.

The reason for this is very simple, your addiction comes from a deep mental imbalanced that may have been created when you were just a child, and unless you succeed in dismantling the issue from its very source, your brain, it will be there to stay. Yes, willpower will help for a while maybe, but your will fall back into your addictive habits sooner or later.Then, if willpower alone can't help you how can you leave porn addiction for good?There are several things that you will need to learn or relearn about yourself and about your relationships with others. Here are few things that you will need to do to be able to leave porn addiction behind.Discover your true self.Learn how to love yourself.Learn how to connect with others in a more meaningful way.Learn how to develop real relationships and true intimacy

So sit down (away from all those naughty screens!) and work out what else you could be doing on your PC that doesn't involve being a voyeur.Be real with this. You won't suddenly start reading the complete works of Shakespeare. So keep it realistic. Maybe some sites to do with your other hobbies - forums and chat rooms (no, not those chat rooms!) can be good places to while away some time and keep you away from the adult sites that seem to have taken over your life.If all else fails, take a cold shower!Yes, I know it's cliched but it will get you away from browsing dodgy sites on the internet and it really does help to quell those urges that are keeping your porn addiction fed.This actually works as a kind of stimulus response. Unless your traits mean that you like the idea of punishing yourself, you will start to associate the unpleasantness of cold showers with surfing porn sites. Which should help you in your endeavors to quit your porn addiction.

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